Before we get to today's main event, there is a prize I must award here at The Tavern:
Joel Priddy - email me at tenkarsDOTtavern at that gmail thing and I'll get that $10 RPGNow GC to you.
So, what's in Santa's Bag today?

a Three Month Subscription to Mythoard
What is Mythoard? You don't know? It's like Loot Crate on OSR steroids! Not that it's all OSR, but the OSR is a damn strong presence in every monthly release, which means it's easy enough to convert to the edition (or ruleset) of your choice.
I've been a subscriber since the beginning. It's like a gamer's Christmas once a month! (or Hanukkah or the religious gift giving holiday of your choice / your diety's choice / the choice of "He That Shall Not Be Named" / the day your dog chose to chew on your shoe and you just needed to be cheered up / etc)
Three months of Mythoard for free. How cool is that?
Just a heads up - this gift is for US Only. It is for three monthly shipments. Imagine the joy the US Post Office would have had charging international postal rates to +Jarrod Shaw for three months in a row. You want a real Scrooge? The US Postal Service...
So, how do you get yourself this most awesome of gaming gifts? Simply make a comment here, on this very post, about why you deserve such an epic gift. The gift receiver of the Mythoard subscription will be chosen randomly, but the answer that stands out to me, your bartender, will earn themselves a $10 RPGNow Giift Certificate. Gift receivers will be chosen sometime on Sunday, December 21st, 2015.
Remember, there are other events still going on for OSR Christmas. You can't be gifted if you aren't in the mix.
I deserve such an epic gift only because I don't have a campaign right now and both need something to entertain my imagination; as well as, prepare all the OSR greatness for future groups!
ReplyDeletei like to read stuff, i would love to read this
ReplyDeleteI need a 3-month subscription to Mythoard because the Sahuagin Invasion from the Deeps won't repel itself, buster. Your safety from the devilish fish-men may depend upon what I learn therein!
ReplyDeleteI hadn't heard of this one and it's definitely more exciting than the Dollar Shave Club. I deserve a close shave, but more importantly, a hoard of mythology.
ReplyDeleteI don't deserve such an epic gift. No, it's my 11 year-old daughter who deserves it. She needs *stuff*. Game books, modules, dice, posters - all of the ephemera every gamer needs - weighing down her shelves and peeking out from under her bed. She definitely deserves to grow up surrounded by all the TTRPG gear she possibly can.
ReplyDeleteI deserve this epic gift because I finally got my Dungeon World to play White Star! Really!
ReplyDeleteI'm neutral evil. I don't deserve the prize but I desire it so it will be mine!
ReplyDeleteI'm neutral evil. I don't deserve the prize but I desire it so it will be mine!
ReplyDeleteI deserve it bc I been a reaaaal good boy.
ReplyDeleteMy library is woefully missing new and wonderful material. Being the recipient of such amazing gifts would remedy this lack of books on my shelf.
ReplyDeleteI really don't deserve it. I'm just a guy who roleplays with his daughter and am trying to get my wife to join in too. I'd love this though!
ReplyDeleteDeserve is such a loaded word. I've been having a really hard time this year financially and emotionally. My daughter was placed on the Autism spectrum and is being bullied in school for the 5th year straight, my son just got out of a psychiatric facility for emotional disturbances and anger management issues, and they're both just 11 and 10 respectively. But these are not reason enough to "deserve" such a prize. Instead, I submit that I will use whatever may come my way to help my kids learn to grow, mature and navigate their emotions through roleplaying games. We're currently working on starting up a new, post-apocalyptic magic/tech mashup game, but have not completely settled on a system.
ReplyDeleteNot sure if I deserve this, but i certainly won't turn it down!
ReplyDeleteI deserve this gift because I always play the same three games and I need my eyes opened to what else is out there!
ReplyDeleteI deserve a three month subscription to Mythoard because I have, in the past, derided my friends for their various subscription services, and me being subscribed to one would be a sweet irony and just comeuppance.
ReplyDeleteI deserve this reward because I don't currently reach my RDA of OSR Goodness.
ReplyDeleteI deserve this epic gift because I have been a very nice DM and not TPK'd my party all year. :D
ReplyDeleteWelllll, I'made a full time student and Army veteran, who is also taking care of a wife and infant son who just moved here from Southeast Asia after 11 months of paperwork and battling Homeland Security about the visa. I support the whole squad off the living expenses allowance from the GI Bill, which means disposable income is minimal to buy a subscription despite an ongoing interest in Mythoard. I'm in community college currently, but I am attempting to transfer to James Madison College at Michigan State in the fall to double major in Cultural Studies and Arabic, with the ultimate goal of joining an NGO in the Middle East and help those escaping war and terror. Im hoping to save the world, eventually.
ReplyDeleteI forgot to add the "I deserve it becauseeee. ..." portion at the beginning.
DeleteAwesome prize!
ReplyDeleteI get it every month, but my 15 year old daughter and my 10 year old twin boys usually take most of it.
Awesome prize!
ReplyDeleteI get it every month, but my 15 year old daughter and my 10 year old twin boys usually take most of it.
I do not deserve this epic gift. I would still like to get it though. :)
ReplyDeleteI deserve this awesome trove because I'm a greedy bastard who, even though I just won a $10 gift card, can't resist returning for more loot. What could possibly be more OSR than that?
ReplyDeleteReading all the other posts it is clear that there are others way more deserving than I. I can truly say that I have so much to be thankful for this year. No, my financial picture is no better than before (in fact looking for work) but my family is all together for the hollidays, we are healthy and closer than we have ever been. So I would ask that if by some chance I am randomly picked, please roll again so another can enjoy the wonderful Mythboard prize.
ReplyDeleteI deserve a 3 month subscription to Mythoard because deserves got nothing to do with it.
ReplyDeleteI deserve this gift because I love holiday gift getting.
ReplyDelete. . . it's weird; asking what I've done to deserve something good makes me disinclined to argue for it. Not because I can't fathom that I do, but, well - do I trot out the heartbreaks, the pains and aches of the last year and argue on grounds of need or sympathy or do I make my pitch to merit that I am innate good and therefor deserving, etc? What does it mean to deserve a random act of kindness? Is one type of worth more deserving than the other? And then there's the whole social awkwardness and expectation of stoicism (stupid midwestern upbringing!)
ReplyDeleteGah. Brainfreeze. Okay, let's go with simple statements of fact. I'm the OSR GM in my circle of friends, I'm the one in this little gaming group of 10 keeping ten-foot poles and iron spikes alive, and I'm the one who will haul out S&W or Labyrinth Lord or Mutant Future to run a campaign when it's time for a new game. Argument to pragmatism - someway, somehow those boxes of gaming gold will see use rather than becoming collectibles on the shelf. And, well, if they spark a bit of OSR love in my players to the point that they run a game, well, it's always ever so nice to play.
I am very deserving of receiving this prize because when growing up, there was no D&D. Just sticks and rocks. We couldn't even to paper cuts for dice, since there was no paper. The GM lived 100 miles away and it was up hill both ways in the snow. The mail was delivered by flying reindeer, in other words no mail.
ReplyDeleteI deserve the prize because I'll pay it forward. My favorite way to introduce people to RPGs is with swag!
ReplyDeleteI deserve this prize because I am exactly the sort of person who once they get used to getting something every month will want to keep getting it every month. Three months free equals a lifetime customer. Win for everybody!
ReplyDeleteI'd definitely make good use of it--but I don't deserve it unless the dice say I do.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI deserve this prize because I'm a dad of three children and a 1st Ed AD&D DM bringing my children into the OS and OSR fold. #PassingTheTorch
ReplyDeleteI deserve mythoard to help keep my players in check!
ReplyDeleteThis is an awesome gift! I deserve Mythboard simply because I've been in a gaming drought. This past year has left me gaming a total of twice, which we all know is beyond wrong.
ReplyDeleteIn the new year I already have plans in place to bring my friends and me back into the gaming fold. Mythboard would most definitely help with that!
I deserve this gift because I am returning to gaming after a long hiatus and add new material to for my game group.
ReplyDeleteI deserve this because I've been (fairly) good this year.
ReplyDeleteI'm not worthy!
ReplyDeleteI’m no Geatish king,
ReplyDeleteNo Beowulf, no braggart.
Here, instead: haiku.
Deserving, probably not. But it would be an awesome 3 months of receiving new OSR gaming goodness. Start with Christmas and end as a birthday gift in March.
ReplyDeleteAfter a twenty year absence from playing RPG's your blog got me interested in roleplaying games again, especially retroclones like Swords & Wizardry, Labyrinth Lord and Basic Fantasy Role playing game. Still trying to rebuild my collection after a twenty year absence from playing.
ReplyDeleteSir, I don't deserve the Mythoard any more than these other fine humans. I am awesome, however. Thank you.
ReplyDeleteI am not sure I deserve the Mythoard, but I sure would like to check out all the offerings from the various independent companies that contribute to it. Give me the chance find my new favorite OSR line!
ReplyDeleteI am old enough to know that I am very seldom awarded for what I deserve, but gracious to accept free gifts anyways. As the old saying goes: "If everyone got what they deserved, who then would escape the hangman's noose"
ReplyDeleteIf awesome is in the eye of the beholder, then apparently I'm being viewed with one of the other eyes. Probably the 2nd eyestalk on the left, 2nd row...yeah, that's the one...
ReplyDeleteIf awesome is in the eye of the beholder, then apparently I'm being viewed with one of the other eyes. Probably the 2nd eyestalk on the left, 2nd row...yeah, that's the one...
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure if I would deserve to win, but I can say that I would show the contents to the rest of my gaming group.
ReplyDeleteI have run a Shadowrun game at a convention without a script and had the players walk away raving about how much fun it was.
ReplyDeleteI have gamed 72 hours with only 2 short breaks in in the interim (many many years ago...)
But I have never been rewarded with a gift so awesome as a Mythoard. I have considered it several times, but the money always runs out before I can actually do it.
So do I deserve it... maybe. Do I want it... hell yeah!
Thanks for the opportunity and Happy OSRmas!
I want it but don't deserve it. Good luck to everyone who does. I will trust to random luck.
ReplyDeleteMythoard represents a wonderful, curated slice of the gaming scene with materials one might not otherwise notice. Like a well-edited magazine, it exposes readers to materials they should read and use somehow in their games. The few I've bought provided a varied assortment of gaming resources.
ReplyDeleteMythoard??? Oh, please yes!
ReplyDeleteDeserve: to have earned something or be given something because of your actions or qualities. The only action needed to win the Mythoard is to make a post here. Everyone who posts is therefore deserving due to their action of posting; everyone who has posted deserves the prize. And that includes me.
ReplyDeleteI deserve this more than a poke in the eye with sharp stick, although some may disagree....
ReplyDeleteDeserve is much too strong a word. But I'd love to have it though! Plus how many of you other deserving people have actually met our illustrious tavern keeper? I have, at NTRPGCon this past June! That has to count extra!
ReplyDeleteNobody deserves to have something that is only a luxury. Games are luxury. The fact that we have time to play and talk about and sometimes make our own games means that we truly live in a charmed and wealthy era of human civilization. We should be so lucky to be able to play games, but whoever wins this fine Xmas prize will have double the luck.
ReplyDeleteI think I deserve the three months of free mythoard because I've been subscribed to it since the start and it would be nice to save the $75 over three months to put towards some other gaming goodness. But, good luck and merry OSRmas to everybody!
ReplyDeleteDoes deserve really enter into it? I appeal to the gods and goddesses of random chance to decide my worthiness.
ReplyDeleteMythord is pretty darn cool and I have been enjoying my subscription to it. So, give it a try people!
Happy Solstice (almost)!
I probably don't deserve it, but I really, really want it. Besides, I had used to subscribe and had to let it go for financial I want it!!!
ReplyDeleteAwesome comments yall! For those of you who dont win, I made a discount code just for you! Use the code TAVERNTRYOUT at sign up and get 30% off your first box. Its good until the 10th of Jan., and applies to US month to month subscriptions only. And no worries, its super easy to cancel should you not wanna stick around. Cheers and happy holidays from the Hoard! Enjoy!
ReplyDeleteLike many others, I most likely don't deserve this. But why I'd love it? I just happen to have several vacant spots on my shelves from downsizing my collection so an end of year upsize seems in order, does it not? I can't very well get yelled at by the wife if I'm just *given* something as a gift, can I? It's not like I bought it...
ReplyDeleteDeserve it? I'd try to be worthy of it. I'd use everything I could, as soon as I could, all the while using other oddities to boost my players fun.
ReplyDeleteThis would be cool. I subscribed from the beginning but then my 3-month subscription ran out and I didn't realize it (in October, or whenever 11 months of Mythoards would have been). This will get me started up again.
ReplyDeleteBecause reasons
ReplyDeleteLike many of the other posters, I suspect that deserve is too strong a word. I would like this because it seems like a useful way to spread out my gamer dollar. I am not in an economic situation where I can spend as much as I would like on gaming, and so I've never tried out any of these types of boxes, as I a struggle to spend my limited dollar on things unseen. This would give me a chance to try this sort of thing out.
ReplyDeleteLike many of the other posters, I suspect that deserve is too strong a word. I would like this because it seems like a useful way to spread out my gamer dollar. I am not in an economic situation where I can spend as much as I would like on gaming, and so I've never tried out any of these types of boxes, as I a struggle to spend my limited dollar on things unseen. This would give me a chance to try this sort of thing out.
ReplyDeleteI deserve this because I have always scoffed at the whole idea of Mythoard and winning this is the one true way of finally enlightening me to it's wonders!
ReplyDeleteI deserve these 3 boxes because without them I will just continue my old crusty ways and stick with B/X forever.