No matter how they refer to themselves, the common title of Snake Oil Salesman has stuck to them like mud on a pig. Still, the concoctions that they make have been known to have true effects, although not necessarily of the type told to the purchaser. Of course, when partaking of his own product, the Snake Oils Salesman always knows what to expect, more or less.
Nostrum Agent

1 0 1 +0 14
2 2,500 1+1 +1 13
3 5,000 2 +1 12
4 10,000 2+1 +2 11
5 20,000 3 +2 10
6 40,000 4 +3 9
7 80,000 4+1 +3 8
8 160000 5 +4 7
9 320,000 5+1 +4 6
10 640,000 6 +5 5
Libation Level - Known
1 2 3 4
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 3 1
5 3 2
6 3 3
7 3 3 1
8 3 3 2
9 3 3 3
10 3 3 3 1
Libation Level - Actively Prepared
1 2 3 4
1 2
2 3
3 4
4 5 2
5 5 3
6 5 4
7 6 5 2
8 6 5 3
9 6 5 4
10 6 6 4 1
Weapons / Armor Restrictions - One Handed Weapons, Light Armor
My Momma Made Worse Than That - Due to their constant experimentation with concoctions either contacting their skin or ingested, Nostrum Agents have a + 4 adjustment to their saving throws vs. Poison.
XP Bonus for Intelligence - A Nostrum Agent with a Intelligence of 13 or 14 receives a 5% Experience Bonus. Those with a 15 or higher get a 10% bonus.
My Momma Made Worse Than That - Due to their constant experimentation with concoctions either contacting their skin or ingested, Nostrum Agents have a + 4 adjustment to their saving throws vs. Poison.
XP Bonus for Intelligence - A Nostrum Agent with a Intelligence of 13 or 14 receives a 5% Experience Bonus. Those with a 15 or higher get a 10% bonus.
Libations - Libations allow the Nostrum Agent to prepare concoctions for their benefit and the benefit of others. Libations, ointments, medicines - they are all things prepared by the Nostrum Agent. The NA knows a certain number of recipes and has a maximum number of Libations that can be prepared at one time as indicated by level.
Libations cost "Libation Level x Libation Level x 100 credits" to prepare and take 1 hour x Libation Level to prepare.
Level 1 Libations
Wound Cleaning Ointment - Applied within 10 minutes of receiving the wound, heals 1d6 HP (+1 HP if the Nostrum Agent uses it on himself)
Water Purification Dose - Added to a water source, will purify up to 10 gallons of water
Visual Clarity Ointment - Doubles the distance of missile weapon attack ranges for 1 hour
Water Proofing Ointment - Lasts for 2 hours. Makes 1 human sized subject and their basic equipment (including 1 handed weapons) shed water like a duck
Water Proofing Ointment - Lasts for 2 hours. Makes 1 human sized subject and their basic equipment (including 1 handed weapons) shed water like a duck
Level 2 Libations
Fire Resistance Ointment - Lasts for 2 hours. Gives a + 4 save vs. heat / fire effects / attacks
Cold Resistance Ointment - Lasts for 2 hours. Gives a + 4 save vs. cold / frost effects / attacks
Bot Juice - Applied within 10 minutes of the bot receiving damage, heals 1d6 HP
Good for a Day - Provides nourishment and liquid requirements for 24 hours
Level 3 Libations
Joltola - Lasts 1d4 Rounds. Adds 2 points to the imbibers initiative score, enabling him to attack before the rest of his party and hopefully before the enemy. Adjusted initiative scores of 7+ result in an extra attack. When the effect wears off, the character suffers a minus 2 penalty to the initiative roll for 1d6 rounds. Adjusted initiative scores of 0 or less result in the loss of the character's attacks for that round.
Reflective Ointment - Last 2 hours. Laser / Energy weapons do 2 points less damage per successful attack (minimum damage 0 points)
Patzy's Putrid Poison Purger - Imbibed within 2 rounds of a failed Poison Save, this allows a second save at + 2 to the roll to avoid the effects (including death)
Level 4 Libations
Two Minds are More Fun - Lasts 10-60 minutes. Allows the imbiber to do two completely different tasks at the same time, such as fire at a target and drive a vehicle evasively without penalty, hold two independent conversations, use an innate power and attack, other as GM sees fit to allow.
Breath of Fire - Can breath a Cone of Fire 5' wide at base, 20' long and 20' wide. Targets inside the AOE take 3d6 fire damage (save for half)
(Fits White Box without any real changes)
Fire Resistance Ointment - Lasts for 2 hours. Gives a + 4 save vs. heat / fire effects / attacks
Cold Resistance Ointment - Lasts for 2 hours. Gives a + 4 save vs. cold / frost effects / attacks
Bot Juice - Applied within 10 minutes of the bot receiving damage, heals 1d6 HP
Good for a Day - Provides nourishment and liquid requirements for 24 hours
Level 3 Libations
Joltola - Lasts 1d4 Rounds. Adds 2 points to the imbibers initiative score, enabling him to attack before the rest of his party and hopefully before the enemy. Adjusted initiative scores of 7+ result in an extra attack. When the effect wears off, the character suffers a minus 2 penalty to the initiative roll for 1d6 rounds. Adjusted initiative scores of 0 or less result in the loss of the character's attacks for that round.
Reflective Ointment - Last 2 hours. Laser / Energy weapons do 2 points less damage per successful attack (minimum damage 0 points)
Patzy's Putrid Poison Purger - Imbibed within 2 rounds of a failed Poison Save, this allows a second save at + 2 to the roll to avoid the effects (including death)
Level 4 Libations
Two Minds are More Fun - Lasts 10-60 minutes. Allows the imbiber to do two completely different tasks at the same time, such as fire at a target and drive a vehicle evasively without penalty, hold two independent conversations, use an innate power and attack, other as GM sees fit to allow.
Breath of Fire - Can breath a Cone of Fire 5' wide at base, 20' long and 20' wide. Targets inside the AOE take 3d6 fire damage (save for half)
(Fits White Box without any real changes)
Nice I really like this one.
ReplyDeleteSounds like fun... What you could perhaps add would be a chance that a concoction works a *little* bit differently than expected, or doesn't work at all... or has strange (randomly generated) side effects?
ReplyDeleteI was actually going to do as you suggested when I was writing the class, but it felt bloated.
DeleteI may add such as an optional rule / table when these classes get finalized.
Yes, a table... who doesn't love tables? :-)
DeleteOk. These White Star posts have me intrigued. I have to look into this more.