OSR Review & Commentary On Forest Adventures -- A Shadowdark Supplement By
James Mishler, & Jodi Moran-Mishler For The Shadowdark Rpg or Castles &
Crusades rpg campaign
"The materials presented in this booklet are optional, providing a new
ancestry, new class, new spells, and new patrons for players and new
monsters, trea...
52 minutes ago
As an aside but still on topic because it was mentioned in the first paragraph, a comment on Undead Turning.
ReplyDeleteLet me just go out a say it and this may seem a little over the top. Table 20. Turning Undead on page 20 in S&W White Box, 1st printing on which S&WL is based is really really really f**ked up. As we proceed to the 2nd & 3rd printing, there is some improvement. Honestly, there is nothing that I like about S&W WhiteBox's undead turning implementation. I believe after some discussion with Charlie Mason of WB: FMAG that Undead Turning is going to be modified in a forthcoming update. After this update, WB:FMAG will be the goto WhiteBox clone especially since S&W:WB is pretty much abandoned anyway.
By the time of the 3rd and very likely last S&W White Box printing, a skeleton has 1/2 HD, a zombie 1 HD, and a ghoul 2 HD per OD&D White Box although the table still has issues. An easy correction would be the change the first three rows to skeleton, zombie, and ghoul under undead type. Also, maybe change the HD for the skeleton and zombie to 1/2 and 1 respectively. Drop the rest of undead which aren't listed under Monsters anyway.
An excellent table can found using 2d6 either in 0e White Box or the 0e White Box clone Delving Deeper although I prefer a slight tweak to make auto-turning a bit later in cleric level.
Otherwise, thumbs up on the adventure part.