Lost City of the Dwarves Part 1:Discovery - an OSRIC solo adventure, it is really well done - "The refined OSRIC-compatible adventure system (old school d20 RPG) has a minimal learning time but covers the most used aspects of old school gaming. In no time you’ll be hunting for enchanted items, battling goblins, rat-men and other creatures, enhancing your combat with a variety of potions and solving puzzles with deadly traps. Best of all, the character that you create, level up and spend time building in this adventure can be used continually in all of the Path of Legends books as you travel the path to becoming a living legend."
Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG - it simply makes the list whenever it is one sale. Grap the adventures even if you don't run the system. They are simply "that good."

Dyson's Delves - if you don't already own this I feel sorry for you - "Dyson's Delves contains over 140 pages of maps and adventures featuring the unique mapping style of Dyson Logos. Seven full adventures fill out the beginning of the book, followed by 44 additional dungeon maps each with a page for the GM to key and make notes about each dungeon."
The Manor - a Zine by +Tim Shorts - it is the good stuff - heck, all of Tim's releases are on sale for GM's day

campaign setting and wilderness hex-crawl for old school fantasy roleplaying games. The Islands of Purple-Haunted Putrescence is a guide for helping you run crazy sandbox scenarios in a lost world of Snake-Men, dinosaurs, and mutant sorcerers... an exotic and deadly region possessed by a demonic, purple-hued god of ruin and consumption. If you're into the OSR or just want some strange 5e flavoring, give this a try. It's not your usual adventuring environment, but it will be memorable!"
Remember, all purchases using The Tavern's OBS affiliate links puts 5% of your purchase price into The Tavern's coffers. Don't leave that money on the table for the greedy corps! Tip your barman! ;)
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