Yes, I'm lifting this from Lamentations of the Flame Princess. I doubt Jim minds all that much ;)
Brave Halfling Publishing's OSRIC adventure People of the Pit by Alphonso Warden
Expeditious Retreat Press' OSRIC adventure The Lost Keys of Solitude by Joseph Browning and Suzi Yee
Goblinoid Games' Labyrinth Lord adventure Idol of the Orcs by James Boney
LotFP's adventure for oldschool system in particular Death Frost Doom by... Jim
Listen up. Its good, quality gaming at a discounted price. It's hard to go wrong.
Here's the RPGNow link: Old School Sampler PDF Bundle
Character Creation Challenge: Crystal the Psychic
[image: Crystal the Psychic]
I was going to do a week of all evil characters, but Grenda did not have a
lot of them. The ones he did have were fun, but t...
2 hours ago