Holy Crap! This makes me want to get my Face to Face group back together. Like yesterday!
You can find the products here.
Alright, I feel dirty after watching that vid. I also expect I will soon be a little lighter in the wallet. Where the hell would I store all the pieces?!?
First vid I've ever posted on this blog. In over a year of blogging. Actually, how come I never came across this company and its products before?
Your D&D character doesn't have scars, and I think this is a problem
Your D&D character doesn't have scars, and I think this is a problem.
I'm not talking about your level 1 PC - before adventuring starts, his
scars are jus...
3 hours ago
Video link is not functioning at my end.
ReplyDeleteWeird. I've got it wording in firefox, opera and safari on the iPad. Other shite buggered up today ;)