My A/C does about a 10 degree temperature change from the outside, so 102 on my back porch in the shade converted to 90 degrees inside... not fun.
Still, I got to watch American Pickers on the History Channel for the first time, and it's pretty cool watching them go thru other peoples stuff. It's almost like going to a garage or yard sale, but the junk is better on TV. I'd love to see them run across a classic sci-fi / fantasy collection, or, god forbid, some gaming material. I can always hop... heh
Started reading Classic Fantasy for Basic Roleplaying. It's kinda like AD&D meets Runequest. I'll give more feedback when I get further. Besides, it's splitting time with Obsidian Twilight on my iPad ;)
Deep Janeen - VotE Remastered Development
[This will be more of an ‘exploded’ development document as I look through
the entry I had for ‘Deep Janeen’ (which were essentially a reskin of AD&D
2 hours ago
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