Amazingly enough, Army of Darkness was NOT on the list of things to do or watch. No idea how that fell thru the cracks.
We did however, watch The Hunt for Gollum. Very well done, especially considering it is a fan movie. Better then most of the made for SciFy Channel stuff in any case.
Family Guy, bad Heavy Metal videos, classic arcade games like Gauntlet 2 on the PS3... plus beer, chips and beef jerky. Classic Fools Fare. Oh, and some Krod Mandoon. My god but that show left little to the imagination.
In the end I gave everyone copies of Dark Dungeon, and they got to do a last man standing with generic level 1 fighters for a copy of the collectible Swords & Wizardry Whitebox boxed set (a copy of the S&W Quickstart rules went to the three eliminated). Probably the first time I had the classic group rolling dice in a meaningful manner in 13 years... it was a blast. Think I've hooked 'em, no to reel them in ;)
Pocket Sized Perils #5
For every Ptolus: City by the Spire or Zweihander: Grim & Perilous
Roleplaying or *World’s Largest Dungeon* or Invisible Sun—the desire to
make the bigge...
6 hours ago
That fight scene around 25 is awesome.