Sometimes you have to spread the word. Sometimes you have to spread the love. And sometimes, you just have to give the shit away!
Such is the reasoning between my recent contests centered around Tunnels & Trolls. This often overlooked RPG has a pedigree that goes back nearly as far as the grandaddy Original Dungeons & Dragons.
I'm very happy Christian finally got his package of T&T (and some Mercenaries, Spies & Private Eyes) goodness. It should be a nice change of pace from what he is used to. In many ways, less is more, and it should be interesting to see his take on it.
Besides, it was about time I finally sent something his way. He's been sending stuff my way for years.
One a Wintery Weather Note, my street is (barely) plowed, but the cross streets aren't. NYC Sanitation - Major Fail! Another day on the Iron Horse for me tomorrow...
Volo's Guide to Waterdeep (1992)
From the back of the book:
Well met, traveler!
You hold in your hands an amazing and insightful guide to Waterdeep—the
metropolis of the North, the City...
57 minutes ago
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