Saturday, July 24, 2010
The Lonely Coast Campaign Setting
The setting details a small area that can fit into just about any campaign world. It's designed to fit on the outskirts of a kingdom, and doesn't cover a huge area, so it shouldn't disrupt much if you drop it into a world you already plan to use.
Five wandering encounters are included to help the DM hit the ground rolling.
You can grab The Lonely Coast here and visit the Raging Swan Press' website here.
Raging Swan has also released an adventure named Retribution for 1st level PCs, that can be used with The Lonely Coast or not. It's also for Pathfinder and would required some conversion to use it with other rule sets. I'll give my thoughts on it when I finish reading it.
Friday, July 23, 2010
Fantasy Games Unlimited Seems Limitless
There are 26 adventures and supplements for Villains and Vigilantes along. I assume that they are pretty compatible to the new release of V&V, but maybe someone can confirm or deny that for me.
The title that caught most of my attention last night was Swordbearer. It was one of the first non-AD&D RPGs that I purchased. Never played it, not even sure if I understood how all the rules would have worked in game play, but I loved that boxed set. Come to think of it, games in boxes were generally more exciting then book format. It's kinda like opening a present every time you play.
I did use the Swordbearer adventure Dwarven Halls in my AD&D campaign back in the day. Wish I could remember how well it played, but time has stolen the details from me.
Anyhow, FGU appears to be participating in the Christmas in July promo on RPGNow. 25% off aint bad.
FGU Classic Releases on RPGNow
Last night I received numerous emails informing me of Fantasy Games Unlimited releasing classic titles from it's library on RPGNow. It included some V&V titles, some Aftermath and Space Opera supplements and even the Swordbearer rules (of which I have the original box packed away somewhere).
Over the weekend I'll take a closer look at the releases. I figured I'd let y'all know now, as there are some FGU fans out there ;)
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Thursday, July 22, 2010
And The Winners Are...
Still haven't figured out a better method than rolling dice by hand, although I'm sure there is a better method.
Forty-three peeps registered via Google Friends Connect. I'm going to be lazy and just roll percentile dice and disregard any results over 43. Breaking out the pink crystal dice inked in black (which I SWORE were red when I ordered them online).
Ashley the Feline will be our dice rolling witness. Hopefully she will refrain from playing with the dice until after the winners are chosen.
And the rolls are:
Congrats to all.
Just think, we get to do it again at 50 - just need to check the prize closet and make note of what we have ;)
Breaking Out the Dice Tonight
We, I have three items to give away from June, and I'd hate to see them expire and go to waste, so everyone that is on the Tavern's Google Friends list by 7 pm NYC time tonight is entered. Raffling off PDF copies of:
Fantasy Craft Karma Roleplaying System Fat Dragon Deluxe Set
Should be fun ;)
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Wednesday, July 21, 2010
My ENnie Choices - Atomic Highway
Even the cover plays homage to the Road Warrior series of movies.
This book is a blast (nuclear?) to read. Simple rules (as in not too crunch heavy), nice setting rules (so you can customize your own setting) and a well done sample adventure. Haven't yet put the rules to a playtest, but I suspect they would be quickly picked up by the average gaming group. All that and a solid 5 star rating on RPGNow.
Now, for a free alternative post holocaust RPG (more on the side of Gamma World then Road Warrior) you can check out Mutant Future.
Or just read them both and make your own future.
The 40th Person Just Stepped up to the Bar
Tomorrow night I'll do the random rolling to determine the winner of a PDF copy of Fantasy Craft, compliments of RPGNow. Actually, I'm leaning on giving more then one prize away, as the codes are from June and I'd hate for them to expire ;)
Best of luck to all.
Bits n Pieces
Over the next few days I'll be posting some short reviews of my picks from the ENnies list. I figure most of them are independent publishers and might have flown under some folks radars.
I also need to complete another Tales of the Blue Knight installment. Let's see how far I can get on that.
Another week in the 90s here in NYC. Saturday will be gunning for 98. Did I mention I hate the heat?
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Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Eenie, Meenie, More ENnies....
Best Production Values
Eclipse Phase (Catalyst Game Labs & Posthuman Studios) - 'cause its a damn good book
Pathfinder Core Rulebook (Paizo Publishing) - Paizo outdid their already high standards on this one
Warhammer Fantasy RPG (Fantasy Flight Games)- Holy Shit! Open the box and be left in awe!
Best Regalia
I'm not even sure what this means
Best Rules
Atomic Highway (Cubicle 7 & Radioactive Ape Designs) - a most excellent post nuke the world game
Diaspora (VSCA) - FATE system rules rule
Best Setting
Day After Ragnarok (Atomic Overmind Press) - If I were to play in a pulp setting, this would be it... excellent read, even w/o getting to play it
Best Supplement
eh, I refuse to vote for Player's Handbook 3
Best Website
Obsidian Portal - if you want a site that will help you run your game between sessions, this is it
Best Writing
Eclipse Phase (Catalyst Game Labs & Posthuman Studios) - like i said before, its a damn good book
FantasyCraft (Crafty Games) - i like the book, even if i know i will never use it
Product of the Year
Pathfinder (Paizo Publishing) - why? because this one goes to ELEVEN! or 3.75, or the alternate 4e
Closing the Pandoren Box
Something I think I forgot to mention about iTabletop Pandoren is that is uses Silverlight or some such (I'm doing this from my iPad so I'm just gonna roll with it). There is nothing to download. Everything is saved server side, even the application.
Which can be good or bad, depending on the future health of the company. In the hear and now it is awesome. Log in on any computer that can access the Internet and your account, your resources, everything you have saved game-wise is there.
Alright, closing the Pandoren box for now. I'm sure I'll have more after I give it a bit of a workout in the coming weeks.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Monday, July 19, 2010
Opening the Pandoren Box
For a brief time I was a volunteer mod on the site, it was at a point where v1.0 was no longer being worked on, and v2.0 wasn't even in pre-beta. Like any real growth, it was a rough spot. So I walked away. Not proud of it, but I was hoping to get my own fairly regular game running, and iTabletop wasn't ready for prime time. I turned my attention back to Fantasy Grounds 2, no slouch in the Virtual Table Top field, but with a decent learning curve if you wanted to run a game with it.
I never completely walked away from iTabletop Pandoren (which I assume is a play on Pandora's box), as the stream of emails updaying threads I was following on the forums could attest to.
At the moment they are offering $25 Lifetime memberships, good for one person, with all the bells and whistles. Crap, that's right, the bells and whistles that set iTabletop Pandoren apart from the others: Video and voice built into the platform. Which is damn nice, as my group is in NYC, Texas and Washington State... and everyone wants to make faces and crack jokes. Hard to do that via the chat log in Fantasy Grounds 2.
You can also share sounds for events, video clips, PDFs (tho the last part is a bit touchy, as copyrights can be involved). Suffice to say it is far enough along that I can now stumble my way thru the idea of getting a game running with it.
At the very least my group with use this for the 4 time a year Gathering of Fools... so that those in distant lands (Texas and Washington) can enjoy and participate in the foolishness.
Eenie, Meenie, ENnies....
Best Adventure
The Grinding Gear (Lamentations of the Flame Princess)
Best Aid or Accessory
er, don't know, don't rightly care
Best Art, Cover
Eclipse Phase (Catalyst Game Labs & Posthuman Studios)
Pathfinder Bestiary (Paizo Publishing)
Rogue Trader Core Rulebook (Fantasy Flight Games)
Best Art, Interior
Pathfinder Core Rulebook (Paizo Publishing)
Rogue Trader Core Rulebook (Fantasy Flight Games)
Best Blog
guess i dont read the big ones
Best Cartography
and don't now much about the final picks
Best Electronic Book
not one of the finalists are on my digital bookshelf... sigh
Best Free Product
amazingly enough, I don't know anything off this list either... and I LOVE free
Best Game
Pathfinder (Paizo Publishing)
HM: Labyrinth Lord (Goblinoid Games) Honorable mention isnt bad, but I'd have preferred a vote ;)
Best Miniature Product
I dont really do minis these days
Best Monster/Adversary
Pathfinder Bestiary (Paizo Publishing)
Pathfinder: Classic Horrors Revisited (Paizo Publishing)
Best Podcast
I listen to like 4 podcasts a year, so my vote doesn't count
eh, there's more, but I'll post it later tonight
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Quick Start Rules - The Listing - Part the Sixth
Misguided Ambitions - An Introduction to Earthdawn Third Edition - My experience with Earthdawn is limited to the harcover published by FASA back in my early days of gaming. This cover to the new edition's quickstart reminds me of little in that old book, which is a good thing.
Mage: The Awakening Demo Part 1 and Part 2 - ENnie Nominated for best free product or web enhancement. Can anyone tell me what the difference is between the Ascension and Awakening line for Mage?
City of Heroes RPG Quickplay Pack - Based on the MMORPG of the same name, it appears the full system was never released. If this weren't a PDF, it would be a collectible.
A Players Guide to Castlemourn - Not so much a quick start as an intro to the setting with enough rules (for use with 3.5e) to allow a player to create a character for use. Includes original fiction from Ed Greenwood, which by itself means it deserves a gander, especially for free. Castlemourn Quickstart for the Cortex System here.
Blogs of Inspiration & Erudition
Enough hats in your game settings? - *Inspired by puppet history* a *Cool Hat A...4 hours ago
Yam-Shaped Campaigns - This is not my idea; the term may have been created by Sly Flourish but I couldn't find the exact source. In any case, I think it is a concept worth discus...9 hours ago
Haruto Suzuki, Three Minute Hero - Okay, it's time to get serious about creating some Agents of SKA. First up is Haruto Suzuki, who came to be thanks to a little randomization and AI deci...11 hours ago
What's your GURPS DF / DFRPG magic item placement approach? - Magic item in placement in GURPS Dungeon Fantasy and the Dungeon Fantasy Roleplaying Game is naturally of a lot of interest to me. I started playing DF a b...12 hours ago
Miskatonic Monday #342: William Bailey’s Haunted Mansion - Much like the Jonstown Compendium for RuneQuest: Roleplaying in Glorantha and The Companions of Arthur for material set in Greg Stafford’s masterpiece of...13 hours ago
Monstrous Mondays: DMGR4 Monster Mythology (2e) - [image: DMGR4 Monster Mythology (2e)] I want to pick back up my reviews of my collection of Forgotten Realms books, I also want to keep up my exploration...15 hours ago
Wolf In Sheep's Clothing - A wolf-in-sheep's-clothing is a vegetable monster that lurks in undergrowth or grassy meadowlands, creeping from place to place by pulling with its roo...17 hours ago
Music Monday - Demon of the Deep - This song is ridiculous in all the best ways. Jeff the Land Shark is a strategist (healer) in Marvel Rivals. He is one of the easiest to play, which is why...18 hours ago
Everybody Rots - By Scott SouthardSelf Published5eLevels 2-9 Boozy, smokey, fatalistic, cheap, lonely, bloody, melodramatic, effervescent, nodding off, oneiric, seedy, urba...18 hours ago
Planescape Campaign Setting (1994) - From the web: GLORY? MAJESTY? YOU DON'T KNOW THE DARK OF IT! Discover the multiverse! Enter infinite universes of infinite variety, worlds beyond the pr...23 hours ago
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‘Level Up’ exhibit at the Chicago Writers Museum - While Toronto is my ‘home base’ these days, as my wife and I own a condo there (and her job is based there), I also currently live part of the time in Chic...6 days ago
The Bramble Marches - The Bramble Marches is a campaign I've been working on that's meant to include TSR-era exploration and end-game content into 5e D&D. A friend of mine ha...1 week ago
Players Companion for Shadowdark - *This post includes affiliate links. * A grabbed a copy of Greg Christopher's Player Companion for Shadowdark a while back. And since then it has been ...2 weeks ago
[CAMPAIGN JOURNAL] News on the March! Episode V. - This post continues the series of brief play reports I have been posting on Discord. This does not cover every single session (sometimes, recon and setup...2 weeks ago
The Three Prongs of Art's Dilemma... - Okay, so the title's a bit misleading. There's lots of great artwork in the gaming hobby, with something good for everyone, whether old school's amateur ...2 weeks ago
Hobby Bingo 2025: January Progress - Welcome back to the Vault! I've painted a few bits and pieces in January and made a dent into my Hobby Bingo card! First up is a Chaplain in Terminator ...3 weeks ago
Navigating Paintings - a review of the Rogue Trader CRPG - I bought this for Christmas and was playing it a bit every evening during my temp job, then I lost that job unexpectedly and at the same time UK got para...3 weeks ago
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The Stats of a Dave Arneson Player Character. - If you want to find the details for one of the characters that Gary Gygax made and played as a PC, perhaps to use as an NPC in your own game, it isn't t...4 weeks ago
Brink of Calamity proofs ordered - Hello, blog family. It’s been a minute. I’m happy to inform you all that I’ve just ordered a proof copy of *Brink of Calamity* from DriveThruRPG. When I ...4 weeks ago
On 1984 - * “The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.” -1984*4 weeks ago
Check out this fashionable fellow. - I was looking at the *Tunnels & Trolls* stuff on the ebays and stumbled across this guy. I love his visor, though I think it would be better if it was p...5 weeks ago
Into the Wild Blue Yonder: A Journey Through Blackmoor's Dark Realm - *We have been thinking about you.* *We know what you want from Rob Kuntz.* You want more than another brand-new RPG module. It has to be a *First Edition ...1 month ago
Articulations - Creating house rules, custom rules specific to a local group or campaign, has been common throughout the history of D&D. What makes an effective house rule...1 month ago
Bat in the Attic Games and 2025 - Happy New Year Folks! This would be a good time to update everyone on what has been happening with me and my plans for the upcoming year. Personal I ...1 month ago
A Fiftieth Anniversary Year - The 50th anniversary year of *Dungeons & Dragons *is drawing to a close. A number of projects I'd been planning for this year finally came out, and I ...1 month ago
A Quick Look at The Wizard’s Scroll II - October of this year saw the release of The Wizard’s Scroll II, the second issue of a White Box Fantastic Medieval Adventure Game (FMAG) zine whose first ...1 month ago
Writing playlists for all occasions - Hello again! Going off the idea of inspiration elaborated on by the prior post, I also have music playing while I write my various games and fiction pieces...2 months ago
The Tarot of Pips - Somewhere in your dice collection is a die like this one, the humblest of dice. Although you don't know it, this small white die carries with it a secr...2 months ago
Blue Sky Temple, Revised - Last week, we made a crowdsourced dungeon on Bluesky. It was fun and it yielded a cool dungeon with a lot of good ideas mashed together. This week, I ...2 months ago
Pirates and Necromancers, a Play Report - Over the Thanksgiving weekend we did a lot of gaming ranging from “off-table” domain level stuff to some solo adventures to spell and magic item rese...2 months ago
OSR: Magical Industrial Gunboats - Here's some useful information for river-based adventures using *Magical Industrial Revolution*. Skip to Part 3 or click this PDF link if you just want t...3 months ago
Welcome new Greyhawk Fans! - With the publication of the new Dungeon Master’s Guide, there are doubtless going to be a lot of new D&D players interested in my favorite setting, the Wor...4 months ago
New Planar Magic Items - Hellsguard, Mephrytis, Ring of Planar Vision, and Four New Potions - I've been busily working away on various projects since the end of April, including attending the North Texas RPG Con in Dallas from 5-10 June 2024 (and ...8 months ago
It's been a bit - Hey everyone, I hope you are doing well! I've had a lot going on and haven't had much time to blog lately. Heres a recap of gaming events and other st...9 months ago
The Economy Engine, v0.2 - I made a thing. For D&D 3rd edition, so it might not be that interesting to a lot of people. But I made it and I think it’s cool. The 3rd edition Dungeon M...1 year ago
*'s in SpaaaaaAaaaace - A lot of SF (including a certain 2D6 RPG grandaddy) deal with ancient aliens taking humans from Earth and dropping them, fleas and all, on one or more w...1 year ago
Housekeeping 2024 - Coactus Illustration © Heather Gwinn. A gift she gave me in 2013 for an edition of Miscreated Creatures which I hope exists someday. Coloring by me. I am a...1 year ago
Last move - to self-hosting! - As my vote regarding Substack in the “marketplace of ideas”, I’m moving to self-hosting. I’m now at (and hopefully staying for a long time at) Blog: ht...1 year ago
Time Rolls On - Today is December 31, 2023, in the mid-afternoon. In less than ten hours it will be 2024. 2023 2023 was a good year. But all years are good years. Both goo...1 year ago
Osamu Tezuka (1928 - 1989) - [image: Osamu Tezuka - Shonen Magazine Cover, 1970]Shonen Magazine Cover, 1970 [image: Osamu Tezuka - Shonen Magazine Cover Illustration 1970]Shonen Maga...2 years ago
This is an Important Game Mechanic - *"That's the GM's Regional Map from my AOWG. And it's a damned good regional map. It's not a good map for a Simple Homebrew Campaign. It does some s$&...2 years ago
Clean Your Room - Looking back at my little blog here. That last post… wow, I was having fun playing WOW Classic! That was August of 1999 and I was having a blast… it was ...3 years ago
Steve Jackson Interview - James Maliszewski recently did an interview with Steve Jackson over on his Grognardia blog. Steve chats about the beginnings of The Fantasy Trip and upcomi...4 years ago
The Hero’s Journey 2nd Edition, Campbellian roleplaying at its best! - (this review done using the reviewers own purchased copy) I have been a James Michael Spahn fan since he wrote his Swords & Wizardry Companion. His writing...4 years ago
ToAD Monster of the Week: Crocoman - Now that I'm back doing the blog thing I thought I would use Tome of Adventure Design to create monsters for The Black Hack. Using the monster tables in th...5 years ago
More Arden Vul Art - Another great piece from Del, this one's the Forum of Set: a place that the PCs may spend quite a bit of time within.5 years ago
OCHRE SAND - Init +0 Ranged Atk • fire burst +3 (1d14+1, 20') AC 17 HD 3d6 MV 60 Act 1d24 SP 'breath' weapon, sideslip, perfect silence, morphing Fort +5 Ref +8 Will...5 years ago
Strange, Dangerous, and Inhuman: The Fey and Fairie - When I was a boy I loved fairy tales. Jack and the Beanstalk, Puss in Boots, Rumpelstiltskin - I devoured all of it. My fascination that there was a strang...5 years ago
New Map of the Elf Empire and Southern Isles - I’ve been having fun developing a new map-drawing style that I think is finally reaching a certain level of maturity. And yeah, it owes a lot to Matthew Ad...5 years ago
The Faithful - An Optional Archetype for Sharp Swords & Sinister Spells Revised Edition - Work on the revised edition of Sharp Swords & Sinister Spells is moving along. This will be a hefty tome, with a LOT of tools and new options to customiz...5 years ago
Dungeons & Dragonmead Fall Schedule - *As you know, I run public classic Dungeons & Dragons games at **The Loaded Die**/Metro Detroit Game Night's Board Game Nigh at **Dragonmead**, in Warren...5 years ago
Fiction in Airhde - On a whim this weekend, I picked up some fiction off the TLG store. *A Houseless God & Other Tales* and *The Mirrored Soul & Other Tales*, both by the T...5 years ago
Ravensburg Reboot: Streamlined City Map - I mentioned in my last post how I was tweaking and reworking parts of my Ravensburg setting. Today I streamlined the city map. The old map had lots of redu...5 years ago
And Now the News Draft Download on Patreon - It's self-styled Throwback Thursday and *having just released the 34-page draft booklet of Hill Cantons news to my Patreon backers* I am going to indulge m...5 years ago
The Withered Crag available now - I just enabled the sale of the PDF version of The Withered Crag at DriveThruRPG a few minutes ago, and the custom print version will be available startin...5 years ago
Annihilation Rising Goes live - The latest in Fail Squad Games’ Quick Kick projects has gone live and needs your support!! This project is only running 11 days and ends on 5/28/2019! ...5 years ago
James's Celebration of Life - We could not have asked for a prettier day for James's service. It was a bit chilly and windy but gorgeous. A heartfelt thank you to all that joined us tod...5 years ago
Trap Tuesday: A step back - I will get back to Tomb of Horrors soon. I found a topic that was interesting enough to take a break. While interacting in a 5E group on Facebook I talked ...5 years ago
Let's Talk About Pacing! - The idea, I think, is that the RPG is ultimately about the long game. Even rolling back to the early days of Basic & Expert, the goal of the player was...5 years ago
Profane and Profound Prep Part 2 - This is part 2 of my work to edit my magic items for a DMsGuild release, along with adding cursed items along the way. Here is part 1. Bone of a Saint 8000...6 years ago
MIDDLE DUNGEONS LEVEL FIVE 158 STAIRS. - 158 STAIRS. These stairs descend thirty feet to Area 79 on Level 6.6 years ago
Please, I don't do paid advertisements - don't ask. - A little note since people have asked me about this. My video channel's *not* an advertising platform, so I'm not available for hire if you want to promote...6 years ago
New website! - Slowly but surely, all the content here will make its way — in updated form! — to my new website: For fairly obvious reasons, that site wil...6 years ago
Please Update Your Link! - If you're seeing this, it means your link to the Greyhawk Grognard blog is out of date. Please update your link to (RSS feed is h...6 years ago
Total Sales for WB:FMAG - Hi Folks, It's been a long time since I provided an update for the sales of White Box: Fantastic Medieval Adventure Game. *LULU* Print: 396 PDF: 433 *OBS*...6 years ago
How can We Destroy this Campaign World? - d12 1. You must trick a bard into strumming the *Chords of Fate* on the *Lute of Annihilation* 2. Legends tell of thermonuclear weapons beneath megadunge...6 years ago
Mord Mar - Session 5 - We had another successful delve into the dungeon yesterday. The delvers: Moira, the Magic-User Radovan - Human Cleric (of Odin?) Khazgar Stonehand - Dwarf ...6 years ago
Yodeling For Yokels or The Further Misa(d&)dventures - This is the one of those posts that points out the lack of current posts. Over the last week or three, there has been postponed Labyrinth Lord (twice, one...6 years ago
Bundle of Fantasy Age - Bundle of Holding: Dragon Age/Fantasy Age: Available until March 12. PA Presents: Fantasy AGE Freeport live play Green Ronin in 2018 The Fantasy Age RPG ma...7 years ago
New Free PDF Module: The Hyqueous Vaults - A new dungeon module—written in celebration of OSRIC's 10th Birthday—by Rebecca Dettmann, Allan T. Grohe, Jr., Jimm Johnson, Matthew Riedel, Alex Zisch, a...7 years ago
Session XCIII: One Pissed Off Dragon! - Our ongoing Swords and Wizardry sandbox campaign... *Current Player Characters:* *Thenus* (Ranger) *Wang Du* (Monk) *Wolfheir* (Viking) *Arg* (Half-orc) ...7 years ago
Swords & Wizardry Light: Session # 6 - Two months after our last session (thanks to things like 8th grade finals, a 4 year-old's birthday and party, Father's Day, etc.), we finally had our next ...7 years ago