So, I was out shopping earlier today (surprise), and the parking lot that had been packed when we got there was emptying out by the time we were finished. As we approached our car, which was parked in a now very vacant and dark area of the parking lot, we were approached by a stranger.
I never like being approached by strangers. Especially young male strangers. At nite. In a fairy vacant parking lot, away from others. Maybe I watch too much TV, or maybe I've seen too much on my job, but these situations put my warning light on.
"Excuse me, hello? Can you tell me the location of the nearest Sprint store?" This was probably the most left field question he could have asked... how the hell would any of us know that? We're just in the area shopping.
My girlfriend basically told him as much, and he explained that he was searching for a Sprint store that took repairs, and he was sent to a store location that had closed, and had done all this on foot, etc.
Me, my mom and my girl were apologetic that we couldn't help.
His final words as he continued his quest? "You folks are the nicest I've spoken to all nite looking for this store. Thank you."
My girl's first words as we got into the car? "We spoke with him and tried to help him because we knew you were armed. If you weren't, I would have ignored him and just locked the car. If everyone was armed we could all be friendly to strangers." Damn insightful. Damn scary too.
Of course, it's the opposite in most RPGs. The PCs are all armed and are suspicious of everyone, from the youngest child to the oldest crone and all in between.
I don't think arming the entire population of Greyhawk of the Forgotten Realms would make interactions any easier. ;)
Gary Con XVII Afterword
Back from Gary Con 17! I had an absolute blast. Got to see so many great
people. Old friends, fans of the blog and my games, so many great gamers
with g...
1 hour ago