I don't use battlemaps, but I do use maps for battles. See, my gaming is over Virtual Table Tops. So I need to either struggle to draw one on my own, using one of the many programs I own but don't fully understand - or I need to find one on the 'Net and make it work for me.
Today, I really envy those that can play on a regular table top.
Dark Crypts - Chambers is a collection of 4 battlemaps for use in your table top RPG settings. They look damn good. I'm sure there is a way to covert these to a format I an use with a VTT, but if I was running a face to face game I'd be building an adventure around these. They are meant to be used.
Lord Zsezse Works also offers a free T-builder Lite, so you can work on building and printing out tiles of your own design.
Bison II
Apparently this self-propelled gun ended up being called "Bison II" due to
a model-maker's error, and like many nicknames given to German WWII
59 minutes ago
I've never used a VTT, but if you can import an image file, something like this could be easy to use. Just save a copy of the PDF as a JPG, GIF or PNG-- if you're using Apple's Preview, for instance, you can select an image format from a dropdown menu in the "Save As" dialog.