Yep, Greg threw down the gauntlet and I've decided to pick it up.
This will, however, take a wee bit more time then I expected. There is more depth to a Synapse Character then your regular OSR game's PC, and I need to take my time with all this. I mean, I'll be posting the sucker.
So, I expect to have this done over the next few days (using tonight and tomorrow nite to get myself up to speed on the Synapse RPG).
Now, I suspect if I was conversant with the system and was sitting at the gaming table with a gaming group, it could be done in less then an hour, but I'm needing to steal time from other (household) projects to get this done.
As an aside, I love the artwork in Synapse. No where near as disturbing as Raggi's Weird Fantasy Grindhouse Edition, but just as evocative. Being sized for a computer / tablet screen as far as the PDF goes is pretty cool too ;)
Your D&D character doesn't have scars, and I think this is a problem
Your D&D character doesn't have scars, and I think this is a problem.
I'm not talking about your level 1 PC - before adventuring starts, his
scars are jus...
3 hours ago
Woo hoo! The game is afoot!