Let's see: I wanted to talk about the Synapse and Errant RPGs - they'll have to wait.
Next installment of the Draconic Archeologist? I'll do a double entry tomorrow.
Peeking at the Woodland Warriors? They'll have to come out and play tomorrow.
Watch the latest Chicago Code at 9pm? I'll catch it on Hulu+.
I'm almost done downloading Blood Bowl via Steam on my PC... time to relive the board game moments in computer gorefics...er, graphics!
The Ruins of Undermountain II: The Deep Levels (1994)
From the web:
"I know a place far and not far from here where all of that - and more -
can be had. But mind me lads and lassies, there are other things t...
2 hours ago
Ouch. I got kicked to the curb. :)