I spent the afternoon installing the flooring in what will be (in part) my "Man Cave". The first row was a real PITA trying to fit it around the radiator. Ughhh! Still, with my father's help and expertise we got about 2/3 of the floor laid down and I should be able to finish it off tomorrow. Yay!
I'm seeing a lot of similarities in this process with any creative project I've been with, especially today as we hit our stride and I didn't want to stop even with dinner waiting. I get similar emotions when I write (as rare as that is these days - need to get into it again).
I'm looking forward to getting the kitchen done by a professional - that's just a cash outlay - someone else can break their back ;)
Spending quality time at the moment with the future Mrs Tenkar watching some National Geographic on Netflix on Demand :)
OSR Review & Commentary Serious Sword & Sorcery Gaming With The Red Room's
Savage Swords Rpg
"In a world where strength is measured in blood spilled, only the toughest
endure. Inspired by Robert E. Howard's tales of Conan, Savage Swords is no
20 minutes ago
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