(not my closet - but double the size and add more wood and you have an idea)
(oh, and my holes are smaller - so far ;)
As I did my destruction, I realized I had a Tunnels & Trolls game tonight. Kinda buggered my time available to do reviews. Lo and behold, I checked the message board and this week is a wash. Looks like we may be heading to every other week, which works well with my free time. So, reviews were back on.
Until I checked my email and found my Pergo laminate flooring, which was supposed to take 3 days to process and 3 to 6 days to ship, putting it mid to late next week, is arriving this thursday. Sixteen boxes. I need the space where the closet is just to store the crap as I install the first room. So back to more destruction and less blogging. This is my 10 minute break to cool off before my next round.
Fun fun, but it's getting there.
So, punting until tomorrow for the next review. Sorry Greg, hopefully tomorrow.
K, back to breaking wood...
You have failed me for the last time, Admiral!