As I lay in bed last nite, my mind was drifting back and forth between The Secret Fire and Adventurer Conqueror King. I am quite sure that my semi-conscious faculties were melding the the two into some sort of unholy conglomerate (then again, I've been consciously thinking of doing the same) when I thought of a dice resolution system for spell casting that must have also been stealing from the upcoming Dungeon Crawl Classics - as it's the only OSRish game I know that requires a dice roll for every casting of a spell.
With the exception of the knowledge that the outcome of the casting was decided by a roll of 2D6, all else is obscured by the mists of sleep. Seemed damn good and intuitive when I thought of it, that much I can remember. Details? Nope.
I used to keep a voice recorder next to my bed for such times. It appears I must do so again.
Landmark Sites - Dwelling
Sites read like a bit of a side-dish in Mythic Bastionland. I wanted to
include a simple little system to create more zoomed-in locations, but the
game i...
2 hours ago
"as it's the only OSRish game I know that requires a dice roll for every casting of a spell."
ReplyDeleteActually Dragonquest does, you have a percentage to successfully cast a spell, you also have to make a concentration check if someone breaks your concentration in the process of casting the spell.
I stand corrected, Padre.
ReplyDeleteI really do need to drag my Dragonquest book out of storage one of these days.