You know how OSRIC is basically all 3 of the core 1E rule books packed into one book? Sometimes you don't want your players having access to more then the rules that apply to them. No monster lists, no magic item charts. Just classes, spells and the like.
Well, here you go. Player's Stuff only!
From the blurb:
People have asked for it, and now its out. The OSRIC Players Reference book! This book has all the player information ONLY in this book. So its safe for players to have at the table to read! Approved by Stuart Marshall!
Tower in the Wasteland v2
I recently asked my patrons what posts deserved a sequel and Tower in the
Wasteland was one of the first replies. So here's an updated version of
that d...
2 hours ago
Now we need it in print so I can order about six of them :)