I do love giving away stuff, especially gaming goodies to my fellow gamers. That is why I always have something for my old gaming group when we get together a few times a year. It's why I run the contests that I do. It's also why I love finding free stuff on RPGNow that I can share with my fellow gamers.
d6 Magazine is a free magazine devoted to the Open d6 gaming system. The system that finds it origins in the original Star Wars RPG is now an open system, much like D&D 3.5e. Free magazine for a free RPG. Amazing how things work.
Inside you get a very insightful interview with one the core writers for the old WEG company, I love my gaming history articles, and this is a good one.
The article on the Wild Die is a good one, especially as I don't remember using a wild die in the few sessions I ran of Star Wars - must have been first edition.
Oh, can't forget the sample campaign for a d6 sci-fi campaign.
The price is right and it's well written and presented.
Volo's Guide to Waterdeep (1992)
From the back of the book:
Well met, traveler!
You hold in your hands an amazing and insightful guide to Waterdeep—the
metropolis of the North, the City...
40 minutes ago
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