I spent some time earlier today walking through an old cemetery - or at least old for the States as I know our European friends have a different timetable as to what is old ;)
I wasn't just surprised at how weathered the stones looked, but how they tilted and fell over during the course of 200 years or less. Not from abuse, but from wind, rain and the settling of the soil. I found it to be quite amazing (I filmed some and hope to get that posted over the weekend). It got me thinking about how the window dressing that we usually see in our adventures leaves out such effects of time.
I think there is a random table or two hiding there. I need to get to work and unearth them...
Upon finding Middle Earth Roleplaying 2e (otherwise known as MERP) under my bed, I got to thinking about the different versions of Lord of the Rings based RPGs that I own.
The first was the MERP boxed set from Iron Crown Enterprises. I played the shit out of this game. Rolemaster rules that the average gaming group could actually master. Very sandboxie in nature, as there were tons of setting books released, not much in the way of adventures.
Then we had The Lord of the Rings Adventure Game. I'm not even sure if I still own it. From what I can recall, very dumbed down.
MERP 2e was next. Somewhere between MERP 1e and Rolemaster in complexity, I don't recall if we ever played with the 2e rules.
The Lord of the Rings RPG from Decipher was licensed from the movie if I recall correctly. Tons and tons of shots from the movies were included. Not much if any real art. I bought the core book, left it as bathroom reading for 6 months and never got past skimming it.
The One Ring - this is the latest and it landed at Gencon. I only have this in PDF so far. I need to spend some more time with it. At first glance it seems fairly faithful to its source material.
That doesn't include games like Midnight, which is essentially LotR with the evil, alternate director's cut ending. Well done but a depressing setting to play in.
Oh, and ICE published some endless quest style books using the LotR license.
I hesitate to call this a review, as it is less review and more "first view" of the 6D6 RPG, at least with my eyes viewing it.
Now, if you want the one minute summary you can view the video on youtube. It's stop motion and brought back memories of Gumby for me, but it's also a better summary of how the game is played then I could explain in a thousand words. See, a (moving) picture IS worth a thousand words.
Did you watch it? Good. I didn't produce it it, the 6D6 guys did. Just over a minute it length, it hits the post perfectly. Much longer and it would have lost my interest. Amazing what a one minute video can get across to someone.
Okie, here the next link. The 6D6 Ultra-Lite rules. It's a free download. It's billed as a 30 second introduction to the 6D6 rules. I'd say it's closer to two minutes myself ;)
Alright, now that we are up to speed, more or less, I'll give some of my impressions of the 6D6 Core rules:
The use of cards, and in some instances actions similar to "tapping" actions from card games like Magic the Gathering and the like, may help make this a crossover game for those whose gaming experience is limited to or centered on such games. Note: The cards are not collectible. You are printing them out yourself. They are practical, not pretty, which is fine by me.
Less crunch, still crunchy - by this I mean the game is not written to be a realistic simulation. Modifiers are generally 1D6 (plus adjustments) for each card you can play. Its the play that becomes a bit crunchy, at least if you've been playing the standard types of RPG for the last 30 years (like I have). The card system IS a different system, and it does take some getting used to. I had a hard time grokking it myself until I found the youtube video I linked above. It's not overly complicated - it's just different.
Its surprisingly flexible. I thought the cards would result in the limiting of choices, but with the number of combinations that can be played (as long as the player can weave a plausible explanation for the situation in question) it covers a lot of possibilities. Hey, and you can create new cards!
The cards themselves are like skills, or feats, or equipment, or mental and physical abilities - but they are used in different ways. Not all can be available at once. There is strategy involved in what you play and what you have prepared to play.
Monsters and adversaries are defined by cards too. This part seems like it can get a bit confusing if you are running more then a small handful of monsters at a time. Well, that's true in most RPGs, but keeping the cards in order for multiple foes seems to consume both time and table space. There has to be a way to streamline it
Well, as I said in the beginning, this is less a review then a "view".
I need to print out a set of cards and try some mock encounters and generate a character or two. I'll post the results when I get it done.
Recently I found a deal on a Roomba iRobot robotic vacuum cleaner. I've been reading about them for years it seems, but this time I finally stepped up and got one of the basic models. I'm in love.
Actually, my fiancee loves it too, as do my parents, who ask if they can borrow it constantly (I know what will be on their Christmas list).
Charge it up and let it roam. It does a very decent job at vacuuming (not perfect, but who is?). It handles all floors but shag - and shag is so yesterday anyway.
Right now I have it vacuuming around me as I work on some reviews for later. I like the future. Still waiting on my flying car though ;)
You know what the best thing about renovating / digging through crap that you haven't looked at in years is? Old becomes new again ;)
I've already spoken about rediscovering my AD&D 2e collection, or at least most of it, as some of it is mixed it with my general RPGs that are now boxed up (for the most part). Still, I've been digging out a few gems, like the D&D Cyclopedia, The MERP Softcover book (I have the earlier boxed set buried somewhere), Pendragon, GURPs Discworld, and some more GURPs sourcebooks (GURPs was THE universal system before Savage Worlds' simpler system took much of that corner of the hobby).
So, not only am I far behind in the new games that I need to review, but now I have the urge to reread some of the old games that I haven't touched in 15 years or more. I'll try and get a review up later tonight of one of the newer games. Then I want to spend some time with MERP and maybe compare it to the newly released LotR RPG.
As am sitting at my desk at work, digging myself out of paperwork, it suddenly full dawned on me - I don't have much in the way of free time until after my wedding. How the hell did that happen?
After November my son's classes are over, renovations will be done, trips to The Bronx will no longer be needed - I think the New Year will bring some fairly regular gaming back into my life.
Oh, wait - football season starts soon. Okay, Sunday's will still be shot for a while... heh
Earlier today I posted a bit about the AD&D 2e Handbooks. You know, the books that took AD&D into the never ending, unbalanced world of "splat books". Moving stuff (like my bed) earlier tonight uncovered my collection of 2e Complete Handbooks. (As an aside, the binding on my 2e Player's Handbook is shot to shit).
I'm not even sure if I have a complete collection of the "Completes" - I'll list what I have in no particular order:
Complete Psionics Handbook The Complete Ranger's Handbook The Complete Book of Humanoids The Complete Book of Elves (an evil, unbalanced addition if any are) The Complete Paladin's Handbook Complete Thief's Handbook Complete Fighter's Handbook The Complete Book of Dwarves The Complete Bard's Handbook The Complete Barbarian's Handbook The Complete Druid's Handbook
Somewhere the Halfling and Gnome book is hiding. I know I have it, but those buggers are sneaky ;)
The Code of the Harpers kinda fits the overall definition of "kits" too.
Were they f'n insane? I must have been insane, as I bought the suckers (tho' as I stated earlier, the Mail Order Hobby Shop was nice enough to fill in some gaps).
I played a lot of 2e back in the day, but my fondest memories are of 1e. Without the bloat, Without the kits. Without the later Player's Option: Combat & Tactics. Still, there's a years worth of posts in those books, I am sure... heh
You have to have been a gamer for a bit to remember the Mail Order Hobby Shop. Before you had stores with a virtual presence on the 'net, you had stores with a physical presence on a street. Such it was with the Mail Order Hobby Shop, TSR's storefront in Lake Geneva.
There were ads in Dragon magazine, which makes sense, as Dragon was mostly a house organ and the Mail Order Hobby Shop was part of that house. I don't know how many of you dealt with the MOHS to make your purchases, but I did - once. I ordered a poster and one of the Complete Handbooks for AD&D 2e.
What I received was nearly a dozen different Complete Handbooks and no poster. Apparently, they sorted their orders by first name and sent my book with some other "Erik's" books, and the poor guy got my poster. I set it all aside when I realized the mistake and called them. Someone answered, had no answer for me, took my name and number and promised I would be called back.
The did. I was told to ship it back at my expense. After they verified the books were all accounted for and not used, I would be issued a credit for my shipping. I told them I wanted them to pay the shipping up front or a check to refund the shipping cost, not store credit. It was their mistake, not mine, and I was willing to do the footwork to return it, but I wasn't settling on store credit. I was a college student with little cash on hand. Credit wasn't going to pay my bus fare to school.
They insisted on store credit. I refused to pay for their mistake. I was called a thief. I reminded them I was willing to fix their mistake, but I wasn't going to pay for their mistake. The call ended. They never contacted me again.
I wasn't surprised to see TSR have major financial problems a few years later. My one interaction with their retail end was full of numerous failures.
It's a great way to get a good peek at some of the work put into that awesome book. I'm still waiting on my hard cover copy (love the PDF... so I'm not complaining TOO much ;)
Oh, and theres some other stuff for free too. I'm just too busy looking at the Lair write ups, which is silly, as I have them in the ToHC: SW PDF. It's just that they are such a nice neat package here.
Having survived the weekend, I must say I'm disappointed that I didn't any real RPG reading in (let alone gaming in) although we did get to play a game of Ticket to Ride. Yes, I squashed my competition underfoot! (heh... my mother and my fiancee - yes, I show no mercy).
As I've stated before, I am WAY behind on reviews. It doesn't help that I'm easily distracted by the new shinnies ;) I'm going to try and get to 3 or 4 a week for the next few weeks - lets see if I come anywhere near the pace.
Did you see the announcement for Tunnels & Trolls 8e over the weekend? The Trollgod himself sent out an email that it wasn't happening anytime soon, if ever. Still, it got me thinking... What would I want to see "fixed" or "added" to the next version of T&T? For me, the answer is -
I want to see a unification of the 5x and 7x rules. I want something that fixes 5x level advancement (and the ability increases). I want something that fixes 5x ability increases (and level advancement attached to abilities). Is that too much to ask? Probably, but I'm asking anyway ;)
Well, you cant have a Hurricane visit without spending some personal time with her, so the family and I headed out to Rockaway Beach to meet her. She was still causing havoc at the water's edge as you can see below:
Additionally, you can go to the MTA's own Flicker Album to see the problems in store for those seeking to commute into and within NYC over the coming days. Flooding is the word of the week.
About to play a game of Ticket to Ride with my lady and my mother. Mom's been going thru withdrawals over the summer months it seems ;)
The rain was the worst of it. The basement got damp but didn't flood. I did get a leak in the roof which sucks, as it came thru the ceiling in one of the rooms I just renovated. Still, we have power and the worst seems to be over.
Didn't get recalled for the weekend, so I guess I'll find out how bad things are at work when I return tomorrow morning.
The Evils Of Illmire
After watching several videos praising it, I decided to grab a pdf copy of
The Evils of Illmire. The adventure was written, produced, and features
layout b...
The Borderlands (solo), part 3
I feel like this is going much better than my previous attempt, it seems
more smooth and logical. The NPCs, though there are many more to deal with,
are b...
Prohibition & Powers
The set-up for *Capers: A Super-Powered Game of Gangsters in the Roaring
Twenties* is really simple. It is the 1920s. It is the USA. Prohibition is
in ful...
Volo's Guide to the Dalelands (1996)
From the back of the book:
Behold the newest, brightest, and perhaps best travel guide by the
world-walking, all-seeing Volo! Fresh from recounting the s...
Geeky SKAturday: Bad Leavers' "Another Time"
A pleasant Geeky SKAturday to everyone! (Well...it's barely Sunday
here...but pleasantness to all nonetheless!) Just a quick one today (if
I'm actually c...
[BLOG] News on the March! Episode VI.
This post continues the series of brief play reports I have been posting on
Discord. This does not cover every single session (sometimes, recon and
Dungeon of the Two Kings
By R. Nelson BaileyDungeoneers Guild Games1eLevels 3-6 The dungeons of
Mal-Thenga lie below the ruins of a once-great city, its name now lost in
the dust o...
Brief mass combat idea
Here is a brief mass combat idea meant for old school D&D or OSR games. I'm
using ascending AC in my examples because that's what I use in my games.
Here i...
On the Success of the VOTE
You voted for it, and it's here!
All the prices on the books I sell on DTRPG will be rising in price, 40-50%
so I can maintain the same margin as now!
Purple People Eater
One of the Reaper Challenge League challenges for this month was "one eyed
one horned flying purple people eater" with the caveat that to meet the
Lessons Learned from Paranoia
I recently ran Paranoia, my third time through a very loose scenario that
I’d prepared, using my hacked version of the current edition.
All three sessio...
Indexing Adventures
June 11th, 2014 I started my Patreon. 1While I haven't been active during
the past half year or so I've accumulated 110 micro-adventures, 37
M22 Locust
The M22 Locust was a tiny tank designed and manufactured to a British
specification by Marmon-Herrington for a light air-landable tank to support
Friday Night Roundup 3/14/2025
Stuff for the week.
- Things I Want to Do Differently This Time over at DF Whiterock is well
worth the read. I do this kind of thing myself, but only an ex...
Nine Questions: A Retrospective...
So there's not much to offer this month. Real life is intruding, as it
often does, and we haven't found the time to do much of anything worth
reading. An...
Fight On! number 16 is out.
The new issue of *Fight On!* has been out for a bit. You can get copies via
drivethru or lulu.
I haven't finished reading my copy, but I'd like to reco...
Wandering through the Majestic Fantasy Realms
It's time for another Bat in the Attic update!
I am halfway through the first draft of my upcoming project, Into the
Majestic Fantasy Realms, the Northe...
The Hungering Dark
Go into the earth, and reality will walk alongside you.
Walk further, and you will eventually be walking alone.
The world is plastic down there. Tar Lat...
Hobby Bingo 2025: January Progress
Welcome back to the Vault! I've painted a few bits and pieces in January
and made a dent into my Hobby Bingo card! First up is a Chaplain in
Terminator ...
NTRPG Gaming Weekend
[image: NTRPG Gaming Weekend]
This weekend was a "game day" for North Texas RPG Con, held at the same
hotel the con is held at. I haven't slung dice since...
The Stats of a Dave Arneson Player Character.
If you want to find the details for one of the characters that Gary Gygax
made and played as a PC, perhaps to use as an NPC in your own game, it
isn't t...
Brink of Calamity proofs ordered
Hello, blog family. It’s been a minute. I’m happy to inform you all that
I’ve just ordered a proof copy of *Brink of Calamity* from DriveThruRPG.
When I ...
Creating house rules, custom rules specific to a local group or campaign,
has been common throughout the history of D&D. What makes an effective
house rule...
A Fiftieth Anniversary Year
The 50th anniversary year of *Dungeons & Dragons *is drawing to a close. A
number of projects I'd been planning for this year finally came out, and I
A Quick Look at The Wizard’s Scroll II
October of this year saw the release of The Wizard’s Scroll II, the second
issue of a White Box Fantastic Medieval Adventure Game (FMAG) zine whose first ...
Writing playlists for all occasions
Hello again! Going off the idea of inspiration elaborated on by the prior
post, I also have music playing while I write my various games and fiction
The Tarot of Pips
Somewhere in your dice collection is a die like this one, the humblest of
dice. Although you don't know it, this small white die carries with it a
Pirates and Necromancers, a Play Report
Over the Thanksgiving weekend we did a lot of gaming ranging from
“off-table” domain level stuff to some solo adventures to spell and magic
item rese...
OSR: Magical Industrial Gunboats
Here's some useful information for river-based adventures using *Magical
Industrial Revolution*. Skip to Part 3 or click this PDF link if you just
want t...
Welcome new Greyhawk Fans!
With the publication of the new Dungeon Master’s Guide, there are doubtless
going to be a lot of new D&D players interested in my favorite setting, the
It's been a bit
Hey everyone, I hope you are doing well! I've had a lot going on and
haven't had much time to blog lately. Heres a recap of gaming events and
other st...
The Economy Engine, v0.2
I made a thing. For D&D 3rd edition, so it might not be that interesting to
a lot of people. But I made it and I think it’s cool. The 3rd edition
Dungeon M...
*'s in SpaaaaaAaaaace
A lot of SF (including a certain 2D6 RPG grandaddy) deal with ancient
aliens taking humans from Earth and dropping them, fleas and all, on one or
more w...
Last move - to self-hosting!
As my vote regarding Substack in the “marketplace of ideas”, I’m moving to
I’m now at (and hopefully staying for a long time at)
Blog: ht...
Time Rolls On
Today is December 31, 2023, in the mid-afternoon. In less than ten hours it
will be 2024. 2023 2023 was a good year. But all years are good years. Both
This is an Important Game Mechanic
*"That's the GM's Regional Map from my AOWG. And it's a damned good
regional map. It's not a good map for a Simple Homebrew Campaign. It does
some s$&...
Clean Your Room
Looking back at my little blog here. That last post… wow, I was having fun
playing WOW Classic! That was August of 1999 and I was having a blast… it
was ...
Steve Jackson Interview
James Maliszewski recently did an interview with Steve Jackson over on his
Grognardia blog. Steve chats about the beginnings of The Fantasy Trip and
ToAD Monster of the Week: Crocoman
Now that I'm back doing the blog thing I thought I would use Tome of
Adventure Design to create monsters for The Black Hack.
Using the monster tables in th...
Strange, Dangerous, and Inhuman: The Fey and Fairie
When I was a boy I loved fairy tales. Jack and the Beanstalk, Puss in
Boots, Rumpelstiltskin - I devoured all of it. My fascination that there
was a strang...
New Map of the Elf Empire and Southern Isles
I’ve been having fun developing a new map-drawing style that I think is
finally reaching a certain level of maturity. And yeah, it owes a lot to Matthew
Dungeons & Dragonmead Fall Schedule
*As you know, I run public classic Dungeons & Dragons games at **The Loaded
Die**/Metro Detroit Game Night's Board Game Nigh at **Dragonmead**, in
Fiction in Airhde
On a whim this weekend, I picked up some fiction off the TLG store. *A
Houseless God & Other Tales* and *The Mirrored Soul & Other Tales*, both by
the T...
Ravensburg Reboot: Streamlined City Map
I mentioned in my last post how I was tweaking and reworking parts of my
Ravensburg setting. Today I streamlined the city map. The old map had lots
of redu...
And Now the News Draft Download on Patreon
It's self-styled Throwback Thursday and *having just released the 34-page
draft booklet of Hill Cantons news to my Patreon backers* I am going to
indulge m...
The Withered Crag available now
I just enabled the sale of the PDF version of The Withered Crag at
DriveThruRPG a few minutes ago, and the custom print version will be
available startin...
Annihilation Rising Goes live
The latest in Fail Squad Games’ Quick Kick projects has gone live and needs
your support!! This project is only running 11 days and ends on 5/28/2019!
James's Celebration of Life
We could not have asked for a prettier day for James's service. It was a
bit chilly and windy but gorgeous. A heartfelt thank you to all that joined
us tod...
Trap Tuesday: A step back
I will get back to Tomb of Horrors soon. I found a topic that was
interesting enough to take a break. While interacting in a 5E group on
Facebook I talked ...
Let's Talk About Pacing!
The idea, I think, is that the RPG is ultimately about the long game. Even
rolling back to the early days of Basic & Expert, the goal of the player
Profane and Profound Prep Part 2
This is part 2 of my work to edit my magic items for a DMsGuild release,
along with adding cursed items along the way. Here is part 1. Bone of a
Saint 8000...
Please, I don't do paid advertisements - don't ask.
A little note since people have asked me about this. My video channel's
*not* an advertising platform, so I'm not available for hire if you want to
New website!
Slowly but surely, all the content here will make its way — in updated
form! — to my new website: timbannock.com. For fairly obvious reasons, that
site wil...
Please Update Your Link!
If you're seeing this, it means your link to the Greyhawk Grognard blog is
out of date.
Please update your link to www.greyhawkgrognard.com (RSS feed is
Total Sales for WB:FMAG
Hi Folks,
It's been a long time since I provided an update for the sales of White
Box: Fantastic Medieval Adventure Game.
Print: 396
PDF: 433
How can We Destroy this Campaign World?
1. You must trick a bard into strumming the *Chords of Fate* on the *Lute
of Annihilation*
2. Legends tell of thermonuclear weapons beneath megadunge...
Mord Mar - Session 5
We had another successful delve into the dungeon yesterday. The delvers:
Moira, the Magic-User
Radovan - Human Cleric (of Odin?)
Khazgar Stonehand - Dwarf ...
Bundle of Fantasy Age
Bundle of Holding: Dragon Age/Fantasy Age: Available until March 12. PA
Presents: Fantasy AGE Freeport live play Green Ronin in 2018 The Fantasy
Age RPG ma...
New Free PDF Module: The Hyqueous Vaults
A new dungeon module—written in celebration of OSRIC's 10th Birthday—by
Rebecca Dettmann, Allan T. Grohe, Jr., Jimm Johnson, Matthew Riedel, Alex
Zisch, a...
Swords & Wizardry Light: Session # 6
Two months after our last session (thanks to things like 8th grade finals,
a 4 year-old's birthday and party, Father's Day, etc.), we finally had our
next ...