Tenkar's Tavern's Top Ten List of Reasons To Kill Things and Take Their Stuff:
10 - Because they're evil!
9 - Because we're an evil party - duh!
8 - The barkeep looked at us strange.
7 - They would have attacked us if given the chance!
6 - Just because the DM says he's a poor, innocent villager doesn't mean he really is.
5 - We don't take prisoners
4 - Did you see the lip he gave the halfling?
3 - How else are we going to earn our expo?
2 - Because the DM didn't want us to kill 'em, so we had to.
1 -
I leave the #1 answer in your able hands.
Add it to the comments section of this post. One random commenter will receive a $10 gift certificate from OneBookShelf.
Comments must be posted by 1159 PM, NYC Time on Sunday, January 8, 2012
Bison II
Apparently this self-propelled gun ended up being called "Bison II" due to
a model-maker's error, and like many nicknames given to German WWII
1 hour ago
Stuff is good
ReplyDeleteTo decrease the surplus population! It's for the greater good!
ReplyDeleteBecause it is the only way to save the World/Kingdom/Village/Princess (and tips are appreciated).
ReplyDeleteIt's trickle-down economics, baby! When we rob the dragon we create jobs for our armorers, smiths and servants.
ReplyDeleteThe voices told us to ;)
ReplyDeleteDuh, because we are player characters!
ReplyDeleteThey had better stuff...
ReplyDeleteWe think at a certain point they’ve made enough money and we intend to spread the wealth.
ReplyDeleteThey checked out our female paladin's chain mail bikini!
ReplyDeleteWell, first is was all play and then someone kicked... and you know... they wouldn't need all that stuff anymore...
ReplyDeleteWell, first is was all play and then someone kicked... and you know... they wouldn't need all that stuff anymore...
ReplyDeleteOne my players used for committing genocide in the Kobold nursery, "We were preventing them from growing up evil"