Obviously, if you are not a big fan of the OSR, this is probably an easier question to answer. For the purpose of this question, I'm going to define OSR and OD&D, it's immediate offspring, their derivatives and clones.
What is your favorite Non-OSR type RPG and why?
For me, the answer would be probably have to be Savage Worlds. It's a pretty flexible system that can cover most any genre. It played much better than I expected (when I playtested for the guys at White Haired Man) and I'd gladly play it again. Might even consider running it down the line.
For a less flexible system, I'd say Warhammer 40k: Dark Heresy, but I'm not sure if it's because of the system itself or if it's because it's the first game I played when I returned to gaming.
So, give me your answers if you would. I'd like to learn about (and maybe learn to play) some of the other RPGs out there.
GM's Day Sale Picks
It's March. That means RPG Drivethru is having its GM Day Sale! I've got a
couple, a few, a whole lot of good picks for you. Here are four that jumped
30 minutes ago
We started playing legend of the 5 rings and I'm liking L5R system and setting quite a lot. Also atomic highway was fun. Atomic highway is based on apocalypse setting and you can get a free PDF at rpg now. It had exploding dice but wasnt as unpredictable as savage worlds in my experience. I endorse them both.
ReplyDeleteCall of Cthulhu!
ReplyDelete@Todd - i really liked the read thru of Atomic highway. Looked damn fun. Never tried L5R
ReplyDelete@Beedo - Have lots of CoC stuff - never played or ran it
I GM both 1e AD&D and 4e D&D, but I wanted to bring up something else -
ReplyDeleteI'm loving the Pathfinder Beginner Box, and the reason is that it feels like a great mash-up of Moldvay/Mentzer Basic simplicity with 3e D&D (and some 4e D&D innovations, eg in how monsters are presented). It's not intended to be an Old School game, but by stripping away the cruft - Attacks of Opportunity and suchlike - it's no more complex than RC D&D, and runs incredibly slickly. Lovely game.
WFRP (1E or 2E only).
ReplyDeleteL5R 1E was an eye-opener too though. Never before or since have I had so much fun with a dice pool system.
@s'mon - I love the PF Beginner Box! PF that I can understand, I almost wish thy could run it as a second line.
ReplyDeleteI'm with you on Savage Worlds. In fact I'd gladly give up D&D altogether to play it, but my group does not agree with me on that front.
ReplyDeleteThe initiative system in Savage Worlds is amazing. I have often considered porting that part at least over to D&D.
I too love a bit of Savage Worlds if I want a break from Labyrinth Lord. Our group also plays an ongoing Dragon Warriors campaign as befits UK gamers of a certain age. We'll almost certainly move on to a WFRP 1e or 2e game after that.
ReplyDeleteYou know what I'm going to write before I even scribble it. ;)
ReplyDeleteWorld few Darkness, yo!
@crusty one - I have the PDFs of the recent edition of DW - I'd love to play it, but not sure I'll ever be able to drum up a group for it
ReplyDelete@Christian - aye, that was an easy one ;)
ReplyDeleteHmmm. Stormbringer.
ReplyDeleteAmber Diceless RPG! I think I might be the only one in the blogosphere talking about Amber DRPG, it's getting lonely :-(
ReplyDeleteAnyway, great game that I had a lot of fun with in the past. Now and then I think that I might need to get my current gaming group into it someday. I also have been wondering if I need to write more about it on my blog...
I know this is going to be a cheesey answer, but true. My favorite game is what ever I am playing.
ReplyDeletePathfinder. I DM'd it last year and we had a lot of fun. It's so opposite of the old games that it was a fun change of pace. But it's more of a "break game" not my go-to game.
ReplyDeleteMayfair's UNDERGROUND, Atlas' OVER THE EDGE and WASTE WORLD are my 3 favorite RPGs.
ReplyDeleteLady Blackbird, but I've only played it once. I'd like to try In a Wicked Age, never had the chance.
ReplyDeleteVampire: The Masquerade 2nd edition - corebook only. (Don't be tempted by the other material; it sucks.)
ReplyDeleteI'm with Beedo. Call of Cthulhu is my #2 after D&D. Warhammer FRP (1e/2e) is a close third. All other games pale in comparison to those three IMHO.
ReplyDeleteWFRP (2nd ed.) or Savage Worlds
ReplyDeleteGhosts of Albion.
ReplyDeleteI love magic, horror and Victorian games.
Deathwatch! FTW!
as an aside - I wonder if anyone actually plays WFRP 3e?
ReplyDeleteI have it, can't see ever playing it...
Hi, I posted earlier and mentioned that my vote is for Amber Diceless RPG. Maybe Blogger ate my comment?
ReplyDeletepossibly @Drance - I never saw it
ReplyDeleteThat's a blast from the past. heh
@Tenk: yeah, Blogger's a bugger, literally. Anyway, so, you ever play Amber DRPG? I spent a few years playing a lot of it. I discovered the game through the ads in Dragon magazine. It was so mysterious that I had to get it! Then I read the novels and was blown away! I've been thinking that maybe I need to talk to my current gaming group about playing some Amber!
ReplyDelete@Drance - worked up a character for it for a play by email game, but the game never got past recruiting and character creating. interesting rules that need a mature group from what I remember.
ReplyDeleteYeah, it does indeed take a mature group, and I would say a fairly close-knit group. Hey, you ever read the novels? If not, give them a try! Start with Nine Princes in Amber, of course...
ReplyDeleteDwarf Fortress.
ReplyDeleteI'm putting in a word for Dangerous Journeys. Does a good job of presenting the world of the old adventure stories and pulp fiction magazines, with worlds you can get involved in.
ReplyDeleteI play only SW but I was thinking about how to make it more deadly, almost throw-away like an old-school game. I like the Gritty Damage rules in the new edition (each wound also garners an injury) and the first iteration of incapacitation: the number of wounds that incapacitates you determines what happens. 1=stunned, 2=unconscious, 3=dying, 4+=dead. It's clean and easy, and hopefully quite deadly...