I've been flipping through the Free RPG Day 2012 Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG Free Adventures tonight, and I find myself wantig to make a few observations.
First, presentation as always is awesome. The art just works. I constantly find myself thinking of WFRP 1e when I look at the art in the various DCC products because they seem to share the same "feel". Trust me, its a very good thing, at least in my eyes.
Michael Curtis' adventure - The Undulating Corruption is a 5th level outdoor, or wilderness adventure. For some reason I hadn't thought of using wilderness adventures with the DCC ruleset, probably because the adventures I've read so far basically plop you at the beginning of a dungeon. This one is a nice change. It requires the hook of a party wizard suffering from corruption, but if you have a 5th level wizard in DCC that isn't suffering from corruption, something is definitely wrong.
The second adventure is from the tireless Harley Stroh - The Jeweler That Dealt in Stardust. Guess what? This adventure is a city adventure. Now, it also has basement, so technically you could say it's also a dungeon adventure, but that might be stretching things just a tad ;) BTW, the map for this adventure is yet another one I'd like to get a print of. Why do I feel that Joseph isn't hearing my pleas? I might have to start posting on the DCC forum to make sure I'm heard :)
Talking about maps, there is a partially started map in the center of the booklet that is part of the Adventure Design contest. Just over 4 months to submit entries (10/31/12) I might actually take a stab at this. After I make about a dozen copies of the map and see how many variations of it I can crank out - and then work from the one I like the best.
"New" Projects
I have had a burst of creativity over the last couple of months, and my
desire to get things off my WIP plate has been strong.
You all may have noticed ...
2 hours ago
I love the warrior on the cover, which his 70's-style bellbottom hot pants! That bit alone conveys a ton of information about what era of fantasy DCC is ostensibly set in... Great stuff.