I found this little gem yesterday while I was raiding The Strand Book Store in NYC with Joe the Lawyer. The sci-fi shelves were packed with what I can only assume were remainders from the closing of the Borders Book Store chain, which is a shame. I used to leave The Strand with an armful of previously read (and early edition) paperbacks on a monthly basis years past.
Gary Gygax's The Anubis Murders is a book I never picked up the first time around (and when Paizo re-released it, I didn't give it much thought, as it was off my radar). Grabbing a copy of the first print run for 5 bucks? Priceless.
I'm on vacation next week, so hopefully I'll get a chance to give this a read.
Landmark Sites - Dwelling
Sites read like a bit of a side-dish in Mythic Bastionland. I wanted to
include a simple little system to create more zoomed-in locations, but the
game i...
2 hours ago
I found Gygax's DJ stories to be the best reads though I didn't use the setting. His Gord the Rogue novels are wonderful resources for Greyhawk ideas and atmosphere, but I'm not fond of the Gord character.