Monday, November 5, 2012

Managing Time in My Game Sessions

I'm really horrible at managing time in the game sessions that I run.

Usually, we wind up BS'ing for the first 30 minutes or so, game for 3 to 4 hours, and then BS at the end for 5 minutes to an hour - which is all fine and dandy until your new work schedule has you getting up at 3 am. Starting a game session at 930 PM and staying up to past 2 am just isn't a feasible as it was a few weeks ago (even when you have off the following day).

So, I need to manage the time better.

A 3 hour session, with a 30 minute BS session up from, 2 / 2:15 of game play followed by 15-30 minutes wrap up would probably work well.

Only problem is getting everyone on the same page - gamers are like cats, nearly impossible to herd properly ;)


  1. Not sure if this is going to be any help to you, but it's something that affects most games I think, so there's no harm in taking a look. http://shortymonster.co.uk/?p=316

  2. I don't think you do too bad a job a herding us cats.

  3. I have the same problem...but I think this is because I game with friends, and I typically don't get in much socialization outside of gaming these days. When game time rolls around, I also want to catch up with how everyone is doing and whatnot.


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