Wednesday, January 30, 2013

My "Teratic Tome" Arrived Today!

Yep, my hardcover copy of the Teratic Tome arrived this morning. I picked a good day to bring my car to the dealership for maintenance it seems.

Damn, I may very well need to put my 1e books on a shelf to give the Teratic Tome the proper company ;)


  1. Got it. read the first 3 pages or so and decided the experiment was not fun. To say it's a poor example of early d20 releases does a disservice to the poor early releases of the d20 era.

  2. hmm... the link shows oly a PDF. Where to get Hardcover please?

  3. over on lulu

    make sure u use code: JANBOOKS13 before the end of the month for 20% off

  4. Hi, Charles W. -- Here's my Lulu store:


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