DnDClassics is now a live store (remember last week's inadvertent sneak peek?)
There's going to be an ongoing rollout of classic products.
Here's part of the email I got from OneBookShelf earlier this morning:
"Customers who purchased D&D titles from us in the past will be able to download the newly updated D&D PDFs for free in the My Library section of the My Account page as they are re-released by WotC."
There are over 80 titles available today and more on the way each month."
I'm happy to see WotC plans to do it the right way and is going to take care of the customers that were caught by "the purge" the first time around.
B1 In Search of the Unknown is one of the freebies
Here's what I'm going to do:
Add a comment here or on the accompanying G+ thread. Tell me what classic D&D product you're hoping to find in the DnDClassics store. Add you comment prior to 11 am EST tomorrow, 1/23/13. Later that afternoon I'd randomly pull one entry to win a $10 gift certificate at OBS. Spend it at any of the OBS store fronts, including DnDClassics.
If you are a member of the 2,000 Coppers Community over at G+ please indicate as such with your comment (and if it's on the blog side, I need your G+ name). There will be a second random roll for the 2k Coppers folks for a $5 certificate. So yes, 2k members are entered twice. Membership has it privilege :)
So, what are you waiting for? Tell us what you want ;)
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17 minutes ago
I want PDF copies of B/X so I can cut them up and glue them back together in one super book removing the duplicate information and combining the spell and monster lists and such.
ReplyDeleteThe Rules Cyclopedia, I have real copies of Holmes, Mentzer and Moldvay. But I have not been able to get a hold of hard copy of the Rules Cyclopedia due to the high price people tend to charge for it. So I'll settle for a pdf copy for now... for now. *insert ominous music here*
ReplyDeleteI would love to see a reprint. Though at the prices they are charging for reprints to fund 5ed, it might just be cheaper to go thru eBay like I've been trying to do.
Dammit. There goes my budget.
ReplyDeleteI still don't see the Rules Cyclopedia, this is what I most want to see. It's a D&D product that I skipped over during the day. I played Advanced D&D for Advanced smart people. Only dumb people play simple D&D. I've since grown up.
ReplyDeletePretty sure you know me and what communities I'm in. Do I have to use the credit I win for D&D stuff?
if you win u can spend it on whatever in whichever OBS store u choose ;)
DeleteWell heck. I didn't get an email yet. I'll bet you're going to get a bunch of "Rules Cyclopedia" hopefuls. Personally, I'm looking seriously at that HR1-7 bundle; all seven of the green 2E historical books for under $60 is quite a temptation.
ReplyDeleteOne thing I'd like to see there that I didn't see this morning is the Forgotten Realms gray box. That thing was damn near perfect.
I really enjoyed cover browsing. I had some of these. Even the ones that weren't very good, I still kind of want a copy, for nostalgia. I bet these sell really well.
ReplyDeleteI see the Basic book, but not Expert. I don't currently have a copy of the Expert Rules, so I'm rather hoping for that. Also anything from the early 90's Rules Cyclopedia "Thunder Rift" material would be welcome. I'm over at 2000 Coppers under the same name, R.J. Thompson, with Grognard the Dragon as my avatar there as well.
ReplyDeleteI'd like PDF copy of WG5 Mordenkainen's Fantastic Adventure, with that third map flipped over to it's proper orientation!
ReplyDeleteAargh. its proper orientation, not it's.
DeleteWhile I'm hoping for a replacement for my A series (although that is also being released in a collector's book later this year)
ReplyDeleteFor now I'm contemplating getting the HR (Historical Reference) books.
On 2k coppers I'm also Matt Maranda
I haven't looked yet, but tere is a bunch of Dark Sun stuff I'd like and as i prefer to use my ipad for everything these days, I'd like the B/X books as well.
ReplyDeleteIt appears their website is choked or something. Can't get to it at all. I hope they get the D&D Compendium up at some point.
ReplyDeleteYeah, I was looking around for a bit, but then down it went. I personally saw 30 or so posts on G+ and the DF thread is 4 pages already, so I'm guessing there's some excitement.... :)
ReplyDeleteThis is cool. Can't wait!
ReplyDeleteI hope I can get all the sets and modules for D&D B/X. For now I am waiting to get D&D Expert Set (Cook Version)!
ReplyDeleteNaturally, I hope they make the Holmes Basic pdf available again. Perhaps even in multiple printings!
ReplyDeleteI want the Plan escape books and maybe some of the older modules like Keep On the Borderlands. Oh, let's be honest. I'm going to want most of the campaign books and modules...
ReplyDeleteOBS is becoming the Amazon.com of the PDF. When is the 1968 VW van maintenance manual coming out?
ReplyDeleteOBS is becoming the Amazon.com of the PDF. When is the 1968 VW van maintenance manual coming out?
ReplyDeleteI'd like an extracted and cleaned up PDF of Ed Greenwood's The Nine Hells parts 1 & 2, along with the Questions and NH Revisited articles.
ReplyDeleteI'm really looking foward to the Rules Cyclopedia being released. It's something I've heard so much about and something I really want a chance to really dig into.
ReplyDeleteI'd like to get the 1e Manual of the Planes.
ReplyDeleteEven more I'd like OD&D.
DeleteB10 Night's Dark Terror. It's the major B-series missing, it's a fantastic adventure, and it commands a large premium on ebay for intact copies.
ReplyDeleteI also want to see the Cook Expert rules, but I'm sure they're coming soon.
Good job, WOTC, good job.
I'd second that, and toss in the other TSR UK offerings too.
DeleteI'd like to get the Rules Cyclopedia as well.
ReplyDeleteI plan to fill in the gaps in my Basic/Expert and 1e collections. Oh, and I need everything OD&D except Chainmail. Of the 1e rulebooks I lack, I really want Greyhawk Adventures. There were some good spells in there if I recall.
ReplyDeleteFor me, it's all about the adventures. What I actually hope for is the release of NEW adventures for the older game systems. Now that I am running DCC, more adventures is about the only thing I want!
ReplyDeleteI already have most everything produced for AD&D, but I'd really love a nice, clean, readable, searchable e-copy of the DMG for reference!
ReplyDeleteI'd love to get the original D&D from 1974, which I've never read. I saw it once on a toy store shelf when I was 14, but passed on it because I already owned AD&D. D'oh!
ReplyDeleteYep, I'm a 2,000 Coppers Community member.
I would like a copy of the Rules Cyclopedia as well. It'd have a permanent home on my iPad.
ReplyDeleteI'm definitely interested in the adventures as well.
ReplyDeleteThe previous pdf of the Rules Cyclopedia was of excellent quality, so I'd imagine there's not much work to be done in cleaning it up for release this time.
ReplyDeleteI think what I'd most like to see is pdfs of the magazines, in particular Dungeon.
I didn't get the email, but the only TSR item I bought back in the day was a Tabloid pdf. I'm not surprised that all of their sites went down to the overwhelming wave of people wanting D&D pdfs.
ReplyDeleteNot sure what I'd get at this time, as my budget is limited, but I'd get something sooner or later.
I'm also in the 2000 Coppers community.
The solos!
ReplyDeleteBSOLO - Ghost of Lion Castle
XSOLO - Lathan's Gold
XS2 - Thunderdelve Mountain
CM5 - Mystery of the Snow Pearls
MSOL1 - Blizzard Pass
MSOL2 - Maze of the Riddling Minotaur
MV1 - Midnight on Dagger Alley
I'm after the UK modules. Know some of the writers via WFRP.
ReplyDelete"We're both delighted and embarassed to say our servers are temporarily overloaded." Apparently overrun by grognards. I guess all I want is for the website to come back up so I can just browse and relive my misspent youth.
ReplyDeleteLet me climb on this overloaded bandwagon by stating that I'll grab all the Spelljammer if they manage to get it up for purchase.
ReplyDeleteIf there servers could keep up I'll shovel all my money their way!!!
ReplyDeleteThe Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh. Never owned that one!
ReplyDeleteI'm hoping for OD&D, the little brown books. I bought a copy before the big PDF pull, and can't for the life of me remember where I stored the files..
ReplyDeleteI'd like to see the original Chainmail, as well as the various editions of the Battlesystem rules. Mostly just for historical reasons, so I can see how the miniature rules that seemed to be hidden inside the combat rules during the early years were allowed to evolve in parallel with the RPG.
ReplyDeleteI'd like all the classic 1st Ed modules in pdf format.
ReplyDeleteHaving had my entire 1e collection absconded with by a friend after I left home, I'm in the market for the entire collection. BUT I keep hearing about the B/X so thats at the top of my list.
ReplyDeletealso I am on 2000 coppers as duncan mcphedran
I'd first say the old Rogue's Gallery accessory. I loved looking through that thing.
ReplyDeleteJumping onto 2E, I'd go the old "Night Below" boxed set.
I'm hoping to find a copy of module B10 which I've heard about but never seen.
ReplyDeleteOf the stuff that's been released so far, the stuff that I'm most interested in is the N-series compilation and the Temple of Elemental Evil.
ReplyDeleteAnd yes, I am on 2kCP as me.
DeleteI'm watching very interestedly. My heart did sing a little when I saw the 2e Forgotten Realms Adventures book. My wallet cried a little though thinking about all the money that was going to fly out of it ;)
ReplyDeleteI have a PDF copy of the Moldovy cued. 2kCP Club. I'm wondering if this is WotC getting a clue?
ReplyDeleteI can't wait to get a chance to peruse the list and see what sorts of forgotten treasure there are listed there, as well as what the quality of the scans are.....
ReplyDeleteWhat I'm most interested in are some of the more unusual settings that have been released over the years - Dark Sun, Eberron, and Spelljammer in particular. Maybe some Ravenloft, as well.
ReplyDeleteRules Cyclopedia?
ReplyDeleteI love the pdf of the Moldvay rules!
I'd love to see OD&D. I'd also love to see all of these published in POD formats.
ReplyDeleteHolmes Basic, the UK modules, Rules Cyclopedia, X2 Castle Amber, and the 3.x Magic Item Compendium.
ReplyDeleteI'd like to see Known World/Mystara materials, including the gazeteers.