I figure we need at least 100 different possible results to stat out our new Wand of Wonder. I'll start it off - feel free to add your own to the comments - I'll add your entries to the soon to be growing wand list.
1 - Caster talks like they just sucked down helium - all squeaky and high pitched - last for 1d6 turns.
2 - Target inflates to 1 size category larger. Target begins to slowly float away. Target will drift in a random direction at a speed of 3" for 1d6 turns and can take no other actions. If successfully struck my a piercing weapon, target will deflate in 1d3 rounds, flying at a speed of 24" in a tight circle before coming to a stop. All creature within 30' must save vs breath weapon to avoid be knocked down for 1d4 rounds. Bladed weapons have no effect and blunt weapons double the targets floating speed for 1 turn.
3 - 2-5 Rainbow colors missiles fly from the wand, striking as many targets as there are missels for 1 pt of damage and requiring a save vs spells or suffer -4 to hit from blindness for 1-4 rounds.
4 - A 3' Tall Pink Elephant appears in front of the caster, followed immediately my a 3' long White Mouse. Mouse chases elephant. Miniature chaos ensues.
5 - Target (if medium or smaller) is suddenly enveloped in a round rodent exercise ball. Ball rolls away in a random direction with trapped target at a speed of 18", rolling over targets in its path for 1d6 damage. Ball rolls away for 2d6 rounds before disappearing, leaving behind a disoriented target (-2 to hit for 2d6 rounds). If target is larget, it's head is now encased in a round rodent exercise ball. Targert gains an AC bonus of 1 due to extra protection around it's head.
6 - Target salivates uncontrollably (Mark Chance)
7 - Target and all he wears or carries turns deep blue in color. This effect is contagious, anyone the target strikes likewise turns blue, as does anyone they strike, etc. Any attack the wand-wielder makes against anyone 'blue' inflicts double damage, or is at -4 save in the case of attacks that do not inflict HP of damage. (ScrivenerB)
8 - Target and Caster exchange body for 2d6 round. Each must save vs spell or perform all action at -2 due to the unusual nature of the new body. (Neophage)
9 - The wand turns flexible like a rubber band and hangs loosely from the users hand. It becomes unusable for 2d4 rounds. (Gerardo Tasistro)
10 - The wand produces a school of very confused and very hungry piranhas. They are ejected with enough force to strike a target up to 30 feet away. A target struck takes 1d6 hit points of damage from the biting. (Neophage)
11 - Target turns into a demure numph and caster turns into a randy faun for d10 rounds. (Roger Brasslett)
12 - For the next 2d6 rounds or until the target is dead, for every 10hp of damage the target takes, an identical twin of the target falls out of the targets body and either 1- Runs away screaming in terror, 2- Runs away laughing maniacally, 3- Runs away sobbing hysterically, 4- Runs away saying "hut! hut! hut!" and/or humming action music while doing rolls and flips all "action hero" style. (Ben Aldrich)
13 - Extinguishes all flames within a 60' radius. (Mark Hassman)
14 - Teleports target to a new random location within 1000' of the wand. (Mark Hassman)
15 - Negates all magic including items in 90' radius for 1d6 hours. The magical abilities of the items returns at the end of the effect. (Mark Hassman)
16 - Water begins gushing from the wand for 1d10 rounds. Volume is a 1-2: relative trickle, 3: stream, 4: river. (Mark Hassman)
17 - An unholy, piercing cry emits from the wand, the air grows heavy and dense with shadow, and the temperature drops substantially for d4 rounds. The target must save vs. wands at +3 or lose initiative for the next combat round. (Noah Stevens)
18 - Target's mouth and nose fill up with angry ants. Like, entirely full. Takes 1d6 damage, CON save to not pass out. Regardless, target can't use mouth (and thus talk/cast spells/drink potions) for rest of encounter. (Stuart K)
19 - The wand tears itself free of the caster's hands and strikes the target for 1d6 damage. It lands on the ground at the target's feet. (Ian McDougall)
20 - Target and caster change places, wearing and carrying each other's clothes and items. (Keith Sletten)
21 - 2d20 chickens pop out of the wand and flutter in the air for 1d4 rounds, giving cover and generally having the same sort of effect as a cloud of smoke would in your game. (Chris Blauwkamp)
22 - Contents of target's digestive system teleported to ethereal realm. Target loses 1d4 strength if they do not spend their next two rounds eating. (Stuart K)
23 - Roll again, increase duration from "rounds" to "hours". If you roll an effect without a duration, use that effect, but roll for an additional effect. (Eric Franklin)
24 - Roll again, increase duration from "rounds" to "days". If you roll an effect without a duration, use that effect, but roll for an additional effect. (Eric Franklin)
25 - Roll again, increase duration from "rounds" to "weeks". If you roll an effect without a duration, use that effect, but roll for an additional effect. (Eric Franklin)
26 - The target rolls a Save vs Magic; if he saves then streamers & confetti shoot out of the end of the wand. If he fails then a 6d6 Fireball shoots out of the wand. (gil hayes)
27 - An unholy, piercing cry emits from the wand, the air grows heavy and dense with shadow, and the temperature drops substantially for d4 rounds. The target must save vs. wands at +3 or lose initiative for the next combat round. (Noah Stevens)
28 - The wielder must Save vs Magic; if a save is made grows a red beard and shrinks to Dwarf height for 2d4 rounds. If a fail, same result but is female and talks like Mae West. (Charles W)
29 - Bright hot white sparks shoot out of the end of the wand, firing out about three feet. The sparks resemble a giant sparkler (a la 4th of the July) for 2d6 rounds and are extremely flammable. (matt jackson)
30 - A tiny cloud appears above the target's head and begins a small downpour which lasts for 2d6 rounds. The rain soaks the wearer and everything on their body in mere moments. (matt jackson)
31 - One of the wielder's eyeballs (1-3 right eye, 4-6 left) pops out of their head and begins circling the wielder.this continues for 1d6 hours. As long as the wielder is awake, they cannot be surprised and receive a +2 modifier to all initiative rolls. (matt jackson)
32 - The target is covered in a six inch thick layer of Gregoriic mud, renown for its skin beautifying properties. Target is completely covered, eyes, nise, ears, etc. (matt jackson)
33 - Target's clothing is immediately replaced with a pink tutu and ballet slippers. (matt jackson)
34 - All beasts of burden (horses, donkeys, mules) within 100 feet aree immediately turned into giant chickens. Effect lasts for 2d6 rounds. (matt jackson)
35 - A large burlap sack full of potatoes appears ten feet above the target's head. Gravity immediately takes effect. (matt jackson)
36 - Uncontrolled Excessive Flatulence: target must Save vs. Spell to avoid; failed save results in 2d6 rounds of sudden uncomfortable bloating, churning of stommach/lower intestine as well as a 4 in 6 chance of "Blowing a raspberry". Upon such odorous release, all within 10 feet of subject must make an immeadiate Save vs. Breath Weapon or fall to ground for one round, coughing and gasping for fresh air . (Charles W)
37 - Target is overwhelmed by desire for the nearest being of the gender opposite their normal orientation, priority is given to beings of a different race. They will become infatuated with that being and try a cheesy pickup line on them. The effect lasts for one hour. (Brett Slocum)
38 - The target's legs have a mind of their own. Every round, the target moves in one or more random directions. The effects lasts 1d6 rounds. (Mark Chance)
39 - Over the next 2d4 rounds, all of the target's teeth fall out. For another 2d4 rounds, the target grows serrated fangs in their place. After this time, the target gains a bite attack that does 1d6 points of damage. The process reverses itself after 1d4 days. (Mark Chance)
40 - Frosty Beer: A table of beer appears between the caster and the target filled with a variety of beers and wines. (Mark Hassman)
41 - Summons Creature: 1d3 creatures are summoned. Half the time the creatures will react favorably to being summoned. (Mark Hassman)
42 - Flaccid Metal: All metal items droop and begin to drip to the ground. 2d6 rounds later they will resort to their original form but unequipped. (Mark Hassman)
43 - Flaccid Calcium: The target's bones suddenly become jello and cannot support the weight of the target's body. Target becomes large bobbing blob able to do little more than moan and roll around. (matt jackson)
44 - The Bearded Lady: A massive beard begins growing from the target's chin at a rate of d6 inches per round. Quickly it will become long enough to entangle the target and hamper movement and activities. (matt jackson)
45 - 44D: The target's chest suddenly sprouts an impressive set of breasts, size 44D. Most likely the target will be impressed with themselves. (matt jackson)
46 - Dance: Everyone within 120' radius will be overcome with the need to dance for 1d8 minutes. (Mark Hassman)
47 - Payback: One person in the vicinity will realize an ally has not delivered on a promise. The person will be overcome with a need to harass the other about why they have not received the order. (Mark Hassman)
48 - Baubles: The wand will begin to spew bubbles, each containing a gem. The gems are nearly worthless but appear valuable. Save vs. Bauble. (Mark Hassman)
49 - Cement Shoes- Target is suddenly trapped by large, concrete boots upon their feet. The concrete cannot be broken, removed, or destroyed for 1d6 rounds. They are too heavy for even the strongest creature to lift, completely immobilizing the target. (matt jackson)
50 - The Market Crash - Suddenly all coins within 100' explode, each coin causes one point of damage to anyone carrying the coin. The remaining bits of coin can be collected and melted down if anyone wishes to do so. (matt jackson)
51 - Inner Drum - The target's inner ear pops violently causing the target to become disorientated and confused. Target receives a -3 to all actions for the next two rounds. (matt jackson)
52 - LOL (lots of love) - The target's heart is bursting with love and demands that the target attempts to get to his love at all costs, even risking his life if needed. (this is in reference to what my mother in law thought LOL meant.) (matt jackson)
53 - Getting Boned - Target's bones tear their way out of their flesh like a man peeling off a tight and uncomfortable suit of clothes doing 2d6 damage. Possessed with an intense rage, the animated and still-muscled bones, losing organs and anything else not fastened in place, proceeds to stomp, squish, fling, and flail the discarded skin-bag around for 1d4 damage per turn, for 1d3 turns. At the end of the effect, the target's rage dissipates and all senses return.
It is not unheard of for the target to be able to re-enter the bag of sloughed off skin, but doing so requires presence of mind, the ability to ignore pain, and a good sense of internal harmony among one's organs.
Often considered to be a career-ending experience for either target, or caster, or both, although so far, no one has died from the experience. (Anthony Boyd)
54 - Sneezo: Caster begins sneezing uncontrollably for one round (unable to take any normal actions). All mucus expelled during this round merges and animates to form a small slime creature (1d4 hp) with large eyes that loves, follows and attempts to cuddle with the caster for one week. If the caster dies during this week Sneezo will fill and animate the body for the remainder of the week becoming a raging, magic slinging, berserker. (Jacob Hurst)
55 - Blue Bolt: A small shower of bright blue sparks shoots from the tip of the wand, which then falls from the caster's hand, becoming embedded in the ground (as an immoveable rod) for ~3 rounds. During this time, static electricity begins to build within 30' of the wand causing the hair of all creatures within this radius to rise. At the end of this time a bright blue bolt of lightning, visible within 3 miles, strikes the wand dealing 3d6 damage to anything within 30' and freeing the wand. (Jacob Hurst)
56 - Targets head turns into that of a Rabbits. Can only communicate in squeaks. Cannot cast spells that require verbal component. Can be understood if Speak w/Animals is cast. Due to huge eyes, gains +2 to spot secret/hidden doors. Gains Hear Noise as appropriate level Thief. Effect lasts 1d8 hours. When effect wears off, target has no recollection of transformation. (Glenn Collier)
57 - Here is another. Bubbles shoot out of the wand for 1 round. The next round the room, chamber, cavern, whatever becomes a gravity free zone. If above ground a dome of zero gravity is centered on the target with a radius equal to the distance between the wand and the target plus 1''. The bubbles and zero gravity last a turn. (gil hayes)
58 - Bubbles shoot out of the wand for 1 round. The next round the room, chamber, cavern, whatever becomes a gravity free zone. If above ground a dome of zero gravity is centered on the target with a radius equal to the distance between the wand and the target plus 1''. The bubbles and zero gravity last a turn. (gil hayes)
59 - Here is another. Bubbles shoot out of the wand for 1 round. The next round the room, chamber, cavern, whatever becomes a gravity free zone. If above ground a dome of zero gravity is centered on the target with a radius equal to the distance between the wand and the target plus 1''. The bubbles and zero gravity last a turn. (gil hayes)
60 - Target must save versus spell or think he is a famous person. If the roll fails the target grabs the nearest staff-like item, raises it over their head, slams the end to the floor and yells "You shall not pass!" as loud as they are able. The target remains like a stone statue for 2d6 rounds or until attacked/knocked over/etc. (matt jackson)
61 - Persistent thread of smoke emits from wand, snakes toward nearest monster. Thread will snake through cracks, under doors, etc. Will lead user to monster. Will lead monster to user. (Dave Inacave)
62 - Your fingers pop off and begin crawling around like worms. They have a movement of 2 and will seek to get away from you. If a finger is held against the hand that lost it, it will reattach, but continue to wiggle for another 1d4 rounds, after which it returns to normal. (Seth Clayton)
Roll 1d6. 1-2, it's the wielder's fingers. 3-4, it's the target's fingers. 5-6, both the target and wielder's fingers are affected.
The target begins sneezing uncontrollably for 1d12 rounds. Each round the target sneezes once and a random body part polymorphs into the same body part from a random creature (gaining any special abilities associated with that body part). The target may still act, but suffers a -1 penalty to all actions. After the duration, the target sneezes one final time and returns to normal.
1 - head
2 - arms
3 - torso
4 - legs
1 - elephant
2 - donkey
3 - dragon
4 - giant bat
5 - giant spider
6 - giant snake
7 - hyena
8 - giant frog
9 - giant crab
10 - giant rat
11 - lion
12 - bull
(Seth Clayton)
63 - The caster knows the target's approximate direction, distance, and condition. This information is at the forefront of the caster's mind at all times, and remains so even after the target's death. A Remove Curse spell can lift the effect. (Ian McDougall)
64 - Swaps the hair of the caster with that of the nearest person regardless of gender or race. (PeterAmthor)
65 - All metal objects within 30 feet of the caster(except magically imbued items) become transparent, appearing to be made of glass or crystal. However, this transparency doesn't affect the strength or durability of the item, and it will remain just as solid as it was previously. This effect is permanent. (Tim Snider)
66 - A burst of poetic magic flashes from the wand. Those caught in the radius can speak only in rimed couplets. The effect lasts for 3d6 hours. (Mark Chance)
67 - Tickle - Target begins to laugh uncontrollably. They drop any weapons, wands, books, captives, or anything else in their hands, and move in one unit of measurement in a random direction, with random facing for 1d4+1 rounds, unable to do anything, either minor or major other than laugh and stumble around. On the next round major action following their random moves, they must remain still while they pee themselves. After that they may behave normally, but lose one-half their charisma until they change or wash their clothes. Naked characters regain their charaisma the following day. (Doug Medesha)
68 - Borrowed Time: Target is Slowed and wand user is Hasted for one round, then the effect reversed. This continues for 1d4+1 rounds, if either is killed during this time, the other is Slowed for the rest of the duration. (seaofstarsrpg)
69 - Come and Get It!: The wand broadcasts a call to all predators within 500' which makes them extremely hungry and informs them that yummy prey is here. When the predators arrive they will preferentially attack that wand's target (99%) or the wand's user (1%) with a +1 bonus to attack as they just look so tasty. (seaofstarsrpg)
70 - The Sword is mightier than the wand!: The wand transforms into a random magical sword, with which the wand's user is granted proficiency in, for 3d6 rounds. The sword is affixed to the user's hand during this time and cannot be put down, transferred or disarmed. (seaofstarsrpg)
71 - Go Fish - The wand is actually a telescoping 12-foot Yamame Tenkara fishing pole (www.tenkarausa.com) that extends when "cast." In additon to all the funtionality of a ten-foot-pole-plus-two, whenever a party member has only two HP remaining, a rainbow trout of cures light wounds appears on the end of the line (wand must be extended at the time.) (Doug Medesha)
Dungeons & Dragons Volume #1 - Men & Magic
From the web:
Rules for fantastic Medieval wargames campaigns playable with paper and
pencil and miniature figures. Volume 1: Men & Magic.
The original,...
1 hour ago
Target salivates uncontrollably.
ReplyDeleteTarget and all he wears or carries turns deep blue in color. This effect is contagious, anyone the target strikes likewise turns blue, as does anyone they strike, etc. Any attack the wand-wielder makes against anyone 'blue' inflicts double damage, or is at -4 save in the case of attacks that do not inflict HP of damage.
ReplyDeleteTarget and Caster exchange body for 2d6 round. Each must save vs spell or perform all action at -2 due to the unusual nature of the new body.
ReplyDeleteThe wand turns flexible like a rubber band and hangs loosely from the users hand. It becomes unusable for 2d4 rounds.
ReplyDeleteThe wand produces a school of very confused and very hungry piranhas. They are ejected with enough force to strike a target up to 30 feet away. A target struck takes 1d6 hit points of damage from the biting.
ReplyDeleteTarget's mouth and nose fill up with angry ants. Like, entirely full. Takes 1d6 damage, CON save to not pass out. Regardless, target can't use mouth (and thus talk/cast spells/drink potions) for rest of encounter.
ReplyDeleteThe wand tears itself free of the caster's hands and strikes the target for 1d6 damage. It lands on the ground at the target's feet.
ReplyDeleteOooooooooooooh! I want a wand that just does this, except with much more damage. It will be called the wand of tagging.
DeleteTarget and caster change places, wearing and carrying each other's clothes and items.
ReplyDelete2d20 chickens pop out of the wand and flutter in the air for 1d4 rounds, giving cover and generally having the same sort of effect as a cloud of smoke would in your game.
ReplyDeleteContents of target's digestive system teleported to ethereal realm. Target loses 1d4 strength if they do not spend their next two rounds eating.
ReplyDeleteRoll again, increase duration from "rounds" to "hours". If you roll an effect without a duration, use that effect, but roll for an additional effect.
ReplyDeleteRoll again, increase duration from "rounds" to "days". If you roll an effect without a duration, use that effect, but roll for an additional effect.
Roll again, increase duration from "rounds" to "weeks". If you roll an effect without a duration, use that effect, but roll for an additional effect.
The target rolls a Save vs Magic; if he saves then streamers & confetti shoot out of the end of the wand. If he fails then a 6d6 Fireball shoots out of the wand.
ReplyDeleteAn unholy, piercing cry emits from the wand, the air grows heavy and dense with shadow, and the temperature drops substantially for d4 rounds. The target must save vs. wands at +3 or lose initiative for the next combat round.
ReplyDeleteThe wielder must Save vs Magic; if a save is made grows a red beard and shrinks to Dwarf height for 2d4 rounds. If a fail, same result but is female and talks like Mae West.
ReplyDeleteBright hot white sparks shoot out of the end of the wand, firing out about three feet. The sparks resemble a giant sparkler (a la 4th of the July) for 2d6 rounds and are extremely flammable.
ReplyDeleteA tiny cloud appears above the target's head and begins a small downpour which lasts for 2d6 rounds. The rain soaks the wearer and everything on their body in mere moments.
One of the wielder's eyeballs (1-3 right eye, 4-6 left) pops out of their head and begins circling the wielder.this continues for 1d6 hours. As long as the wielder is awake, they cannot be surprised and receive a +2 modifier to all initiative rolls.
The target is covered in a six inch thick layer of Gregoriic mud, renown for its skin beautifying properties. Target is completely covered, eyes, nise, ears, etc.
ReplyDeleteTarget's clothing is immediately replaced with a pink tutu and ballet slippers.
All beasts of burden (horses, donkeys, mules) within 100 feet aree immediately turned into giant chickens. Effect lasts for 2d6 rounds.
A large burlap sack full of potatoes appears ten feet above the target's head. Gravity immediately takes effect.
Uncontrolled Excessive Flatulence: target must Save vs. Spell to avoid; failed save results in 2d6 rounds of sudden uncomfortable bloating, churning of stommach/lower intestine as well as a 4 in 6 chance of "Blowing a raspberry". Upon such odorous release, all within 10 feet of subject must make an immeadiate Save vs. Breath Weapon or fall to ground for one round, coughing and gasping for fresh air .
ReplyDeleteTarget is overwhelmed by desire for the nearest being of the gender opposite their normal orientation, priority is given to beings of a different race. They will become infatuated with that being and try a cheesy pickup line on them. The effect lasts for one hour.
ReplyDeleteThe target's legs have a mind of their own. Every round, the target moves in one or more random directions. The effects lasts 1d6 rounds.
ReplyDeleteOver the next 2d4 rounds, all of the target's teeth fall out. For another 2d4 rounds, the target grows serrated fangs in their place. After this time, the target gains a bite attack that does 1d6 points of damage. The process reverses itself after 1d4 days.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteTargets head turns into that of a Rabbits. Can only communicate in squeaks. Cannot cast spells that require verbal component. Can be understood if Speak w/Animals is cast. Due to huge eyes, gains +2 to spot secret/hidden doors. Gains Hear Noise as appropriate level Thief. Effect lasts 1d8 hours. When effect wears off, target has no recollection of transformation.
ReplyDeleteHere is another. Bubbles shoot out of the wand for 1 round. The next round the room, chamber, cavern, whatever becomes a gravity free zone. If above ground a dome of zero gravity is centered on the target with a radius equal to the distance between the wand and the target plus 1''. The bubbles and zero gravity last a turn.
ReplyDeleteHere is another. Bubbles shoot out of the wand for 1 round. The next round the room, chamber, cavern, whatever becomes a gravity free zone. If above ground a dome of zero gravity is centered on the target with a radius equal to the distance between the wand and the target plus 1''. The bubbles and zero gravity last a turn.
ReplyDeleteHere is another. Bubbles shoot out of the wand for 1 round. The next round the room, chamber, cavern, whatever becomes a gravity free zone. If above ground a dome of zero gravity is centered on the target with a radius equal to the distance between the wand and the target plus 1''. The bubbles and zero gravity last a turn.
ReplyDeleteTarget must save versus spell or think he is a famous person. If the roll fails the target grabs the nearest staff-like item, raises it over their head, slams the end to the floor and yells "You shall not pass!" as loud as they are able. The target remains like a stone statue for 2d6 rounds or until attacked/knocked over/etc.
ReplyDeletePersistent thread of smoke emits from wand, snakes toward nearest monster. Thread will snake through cracks, under doors, etc.
ReplyDeleteWill lead user to monster. Will lead monster to user.
Your fingers pop off and begin crawling around like worms. They have a movement of 2 and will seek to get away from you. If a finger is held against the hand that lost it, it will reattach, but continue to wiggle for another 1d4 rounds, after which it returns to normal.
ReplyDeleteRoll 1d6. 1-2, it's the wielder's fingers. 3-4, it's the target's fingers. 5-6, both the target and wielder's fingers are affected.
The target begins sneezing uncontrollably for 1d12 rounds. Each round the target sneezes once and a random body part polymorphs into the same body part from a random creature (gaining any special abilities associated with that body part). The target may still act, but suffers a -1 penalty to all actions. After the duration, the target sneezes one final time and returns to normal.
1 - head
2 - arms
3 - torso
4 - legs
1 - elephant
2 - donkey
3 - dragon
4 - giant bat
5 - giant spider
6 - giant snake
7 - hyena
8 - giant frog
9 - giant crab
10 - giant rat
11 - lion
12 - bull
The caster knows the target's approximate direction, distance, and condition. This information is at the forefront of the caster's mind at all times, and remains so even after the target's death. A Remove Curse spell can lift the effect.
ReplyDeleteSwaps the hair of the caster with that of the nearest person regardless of gender or race.
ReplyDeleteAll metal objects within 30 feet of the caster(except magically imbued items) become transparent, appearing to be made of glass or crystal. However, this transparency doesn't affect the strength or durability of the item, and it will remain just as solid as it was previously. This effect is permanent.
ReplyDeleteA burst of poetic magic flashes from the wand. Those caught in the radius can speak only in rimed couplets. The effect lasts for 3d6 hours.
ReplyDeleteTickle - Target begins to laugh uncontrollably. They drop any weapons, wands, books, captives, or anything else in their hands, and move in one unit of measurement in a random direction, with random facing for 1d4+1 rounds, unable to do anything, either minor or major other than laugh and stumble around. On the next round major action following their random moves, they must remain still while they pee themselves. After that they may behave normally, but lose one-half their charisma until they change or wash their clothes. Naked characters regain their charaisma the following day.
ReplyDeleteBorrowed Time: Target is Slowed and wand user is Hasted for one round, then the effect reversed. This continues for 1d4+1 rounds, if either is killed during this time, the other is Slowed for the rest of the duration.
ReplyDeleteCome and Get It!: The wand broadcasts a call to all predators within 500' which makes them extremely hungry and informs them that yummy prey is here. When the predators arrive they will preferentially attack that wand's target (99%) or the wand's user (1%) with a +1 bonus to attack as they just look so tasty.
The Sword is mightier than the wand!: The wand transforms into a random magical sword, with which the wand's user is granted proficiency in, for 3d6 rounds. The sword is affixed to the user's hand during this time and cannot be put down, transferred or disarmed.
Go Fish - The wand is actually a telescoping 12-foot Yamame Tenkara fishing pole (www.tenkarausa.com) that extends when "cast." In additon to all the funtionality of a ten-foot-pole-plus-two, whenever a party member has only two HP remaining, a rainbow trout of cures light wounds appears on the end of the line (wand must be extended at the time.)
ReplyDeleteA flock of sparrows emanate from the wand. The range of the wielder's vision is halved for one round.
ReplyDeleteMaximum effort - Roll again for an additional effect. All numerical values associated with that effect are maximized.
ReplyDeleteTurn to Stone - Target is subject to a petrification effect. Target must make a save or be turned to stone for 1d8 hours.
ReplyDeleteTurned to Stone - Wielder is subject to a petrification effect. Wielder must make a save or be turned to stone for 1d8 hours.
ReplyDeleteSavannah - Wielder must make a save or be covered in thick grass 2 feet in length. The grass withers, browns and falls off in 1d4 days.
ReplyDeleteAll thumbs! Up to 1d6 randomly selected targets within 30 feet of the wand's user (possibly including the user) have all of their fingers polymorphed into thumbs. The effect lasts for 2d12 minutes.
ReplyDeleteNo thumbs! Up to 1d6 randomly selected targets within 30 feet of the wand's user (possibly including the user) have their thumbs teleported into neat pile somewhere. The thumbs teleport back to their proper places after 2d12 minutes.