+Christopher Helton and I bounced the idea off of +Matt Finch . We'd like to run a Swords & Wizardry Appreciation Day in April (still working on the day - stay tuned!) much like the Basic Fantasy RPG Appreciation Day that we ran back at the end of January. Matt's on board with the idea, so now it's time to reach out to my fellow bloggers and find out who else is on board as well.
All that we ask is that you post something related to Swords & Wizardry on the day in question (I'm leaning towards April 17th, which should be a Wednesday if my mental calendar is working properly). Play report, thoughts about the system, random table, new monster, spells, magic items, an encounter, reviews - whatever you want to write.
This time, I'll even sweeten the pot - one blog that joins us and posts will get a $10 credit to RPGNow, enough to land a PDF copy of Swords & Wizardry Complete, one of Frog God's Swords & Wizardry adventures or anything else. It will be a random blog that receives the $10 credit, but I reserve the right to add additional gifts to the pool ;)
You have nearly three weeks to prep your post - ample time to ready something. In the meantime, if you are interested in participating, add a comment to this blogpost with a link to your blog. I'll put out a post next Wednesday (April 3rd) with the blogs that have signed up, I'll update it on April 10th and then of course post on the Swords & Wizardry Appreciation Day the links to the various blog posts as they go live. Well, as fast as I can update. Whatever day we actually run this I may need to take off from work ;)
Sign me up! Chronicles of Ganth! @ http://daggerarts.blogspot.com/
I'm in. http://secretsoftheshadowend.blogspot.com/
ReplyDeleteI'm in! http://theymightbegazebos.com
ReplyDeleteGood idea! I'm going to write something, too. http://mad-kyndalanth.blogspot.de/
ReplyDeleteI'm in too. I LOVE Swords & Wizardry! www.dizzysdungeon.com
ReplyDeleteSign me up.
I'm in. msjx.org
ReplyDeleteI'm in. http://19thlevel.blogspot.com
ReplyDeleteI'm in. http://sycarion.com
ReplyDeleteI am obviously in.
ReplyDeleteadding in Mythmere's Blog and this very blog, we are at 12 - not bad for less than 12 hrs after announcement and already 1/2 of what we had for the Basic Fantasy RPG Appreciation Day
ReplyDeleteI'm game. http://worldsgalore.blogspot.com/
ReplyDeleteBeen working on S&W stuff and planning to revive the blog, so I'm in:
OSRfix will join
I'd be more than happy to sign up for this! My blog is just getting started, but this will give me more inspiration to get it moving!
FYI, I'm pretty confident I might be able to make a better offer in the d20pfsrd store since I'm all in good with the S&W peeps :D
ReplyDeleteHell yes count me in, I've got lots of love for S&W to express, and I'm past due for putting some more S&W content on the blog: http://realmsofchirak.blogspot.com
ReplyDeleteI'm in.
I appreciate Swords & Wizardry and agree with getting those guys some exposure - Dreams in the Lich House
ReplyDeleteCount us in: Hereticwerks!
ReplyDeleteIf you accept non-english RPG blogs, then I'm in too: rpgdelisi.com
ReplyDeleteSign me up. retiredadventurer at blogspot.ca
ReplyDeleteI'll be in. Semper Initiativus Unum
It's been awhile since I've blogged...but I'll be happy to do it!
Bat in the Attic
I'm in, S&W is my go-to rule-set for pretty much everything these days:
Yeah, count me in for this. http://ongoingcampaign.blogspot.com/
ReplyDeleteCount me in.
I'm on it.
I'm in! http://unto-the-breach.blogspot.com/
ReplyDeleteVery cool. Count me in as well.
i'm in- just got the new book and i dig it.
Acirema Mountain will take part!
Rended Press is in!