It's interesting how these things work out. I've been playing with my current Saturday Night group for about a year now. Initially I was a player in the group when we were playtesting D&D Next. When that didn't click for us, we realized we had a good core of a group with similar gaming tastes,and I offered to run Adventurer Conqueror King System for the group that remained.
Player turn over led to a few sessions of Ambition & Avarice playtesting using the Dwimmermount beta, which them led to a new campaign using AD&D 1e / OSRIC in Rappan Athuk. Four out of seven of us are from the D&D Next Playtest Group.
In addition, I'm in the process of "getting the old band back together" as one of my old players from high school and college calls it. So, that group would have roots going back nearly 30 years, even with a 16 year hiatus. We had our first session this morning, although it included only member of the 2nd generation of the old band (the MMO years)
How long have you been playing with your current group(s)?
Volo's Guide to Waterdeep (1992)
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Well met, traveler!
You hold in your hands an amazing and insightful guide to Waterdeep—the
metropolis of the North, the City...
1 hour ago
we played Friday night (1st time this year) and we started this campaign in 2000, one of the players was my first DM 32 years ago and sometimes we dig the old characters out for a one off special!
ReplyDeleteMy current group has been going for 4 years solid, with a few additions and subtractions along the way. Several of the core members and myself have been playing on and off together since 1980.
ReplyDeleteMy current group has been playing for about 17 Years. Plus, some of them are from my first play groups when I started out about 35 years ago. We call ourselves the Ancient Gamers.
ReplyDeleteIt's hard to say. Depends on how you limit the definitions of the terms.
ReplyDeleteWith this exact makeup? A few months to a year, which is when the most recent player joined us.
Counting "add to" as not making it a "new group" we've been playing for a couple years.
However, three of my players date playing with me back to 1994 (maybe 1995 for one of them), another has played off and on since 1994. Another since 1998 (although he'd gamed with me in Junior High School). We all had break of no roleplaying for a couple years before this current game, but we still got together regularly to play boardgames and Munchkin. We even kept regular games up during my visits home when I lived overseas for a few years.
So it could be anything from "less than a year" to "20 years" depending on how you mean "group." I've had two guys play in every game I have run since 1994, and there have been a lot.
Of the original other 4 players 2 of them still play in our group (so plus me thats 3). We've added some newer folks about 14 years ago. The original group has been together 30 years.
ReplyDeleteThe current group that includes my friends and daughter has been playing regularly for about 3 years. We started with 4E, then switched to a PF campaign and now we swap DMs between a new 4e game and Pathfinder. We've also spun off a Star Wars game from this group.
ReplyDeleteMy current group is more or less the same (minus 1 person, plus one new player) since our mutual introduction to rpgs in 1992. So that's...21 years... We actually had long periods in which we just quit playing rpgs on the whole but we always get back together. It's been 5 years since we started playing again after our last "break" from the hobby.
ReplyDeleteI've been playing in a Pathfinder group for about 3 1/2 years now. We've had some player turn around, but there is a core group of about 4 people that have stayed consistent the whole time. Now we're up to 8 players and one of us even does a lot of freelance work for Paizo.
ReplyDeleteI've been GMing (& sometimes playing) at the London D&D Meetup since mid-2008, but groups vary by campaign. The longest running campaign I'm currently in, I met one of the other players Feb 2011, everyone else more recent. An old friend I've known since ca 1987 visits me in London every year and plays in my games as a guest. I don't seek to maintain a constant group of players over multiple campaigns, at most usually one or two move from an old campaign to a new campaign with me. But eventually people leave London, move away etc.
ReplyDeleteEight years now - various editions and clones of TSR D&D.
ReplyDeleteTwo and a half years, ish, with a fair bit of coming and going but a majority from the original group at any given time. Not bad for college. I think in that time we've played True20, Traveller, Trailblazer, ACKS, and now back to Traveller.
ReplyDeleteHmm the current group.... let me think, 7 years? But there are two memebrs who I have been playing with for about 25 years and my dad who has played RPGs with me since I dicovered them over 30 years ago.
ReplyDeleteTwo years.
ReplyDeleteMy core group has been together for 19 years.