Generally speaking, your first Player Character should have been in the first RPG session you played, but maybe not if you were a GM right from the start. Than again, DM PCs were fairly common in my early days of gaming.
My first PC was a Human Fighter named Cyrus. At 13 / 14 (not 100% sure) Cyrus sounded like an exotic name. Dont ask me why, I have no idea.
In any case, Cyrus only played in the 1 session, but still managed to level up over the years as I naturally increased his level to keep par with my later main PCs. Ah, to be a teen again. He was nothing special as rolled, but as he aged, his stats increased too ;)
So, tell us about you first PC.
When the Clouds Come Down
On certain days, at twilight, the clouds gather themselves down along the
horizon and become indistinguishable from hills. At such times, the
15 hours ago
I don't remember his name. He fell into a pit and died.
ReplyDeleteMy first one was Logrey, a wizard in AD&D. Still alive, albeit retired.
ReplyDeleteFaern the elf in bx dnd
ReplyDeleteCyclo the Dwarf, Basic red box D&D. made it to 7th level then died burning him and his family up on a ship to save his gold from bandits.
ReplyDeleteMust save the Gold.
I'm not 100% sure, but I think a Magic User. I remember being disappointed only getting a d4 for hit points, but very little else. That campaign didn't last long, and we tried various other TSR products of the time (Boot Hill, Gangbusters) before returning to D&D (with me DMing) and T&T (with my friend Ed DMing). My T&T character was a rogue. Can't remember his name either, although I played him for several years.
ReplyDeleteI cannot remember his name. I am taking an educated guess it was a human fighter, because when I am learning a system for some reason that combo always helps me gauge a system, and he made a nice snack for some fire beetles.
ReplyDeleteIt was some fighter in D & D, I don't remember the name. I just remember the GM as being a control freak and blatant plagiarist. I don't think I even rolled any dice when I finally died, and hardly any the entire time I played. I failed my save vs egomania and pretty much thought ill of D & D for decades. On the good side, It encouraged me to look elsewhere for a game and to GM.
ReplyDelete2E fighter using the Gladiator kit. Pretty much made his way through every alignment at one point or another and got his hands on an evil intelligent sword known as "Deathkiss." We caused a lot of havoc before I got tired of it trying to take me over.
ReplyDeleteFather Johan Werper a Lawful Cleric in Holmes Basic. I still have his sheet too. Every new version of the D&D game has featured his offspring, all lawful good clerics or paladins. He was a complete Van Helsing (Peter Cushing version) rip-off, but like all characters he evolved. He makes appearances now and then in my other games as "St. Johan".
ReplyDeleteBasic D&D with the Otis cover. Sir Eric Christopher Medders the Fighter. He died at the hands of an Chaotic NPC with a crossbow. He had a crush of Morgan Ironwolf.
ReplyDeleteI remember my first character well. Went by the name Larthen. Shamelessly stolen from the original D&D booklet that gave a an example of a character and used the name Xylarthen, if I remember correctly.
ReplyDeleteHe was a fighter. I used him in my first session, maybe one or two more. That's about all I remember. Don't think he died, just went to PC retirement.
A fighter named Beorn Broadshield, originally rolled up under Moldvay Basic with a strength of 16, which he later increased with the acquisition with a pair of Gauntlets of Ogre Strength. He later swapped to AD&D 1e where he made it up to 12th level whereupon he retired.
ReplyDeleteI think I still have the original yellow character sheet somewhere.
D&D basic. An elf, which at the age of 8, the name Swordmaster seemed cool and original. He never played in any campaigns as at that time, I had no one to play with, so I made various dungeons for him and ran him solo. Somehow, he always survived...
ReplyDeleteMy first was a Dwarf whos name I can't remember. The rules were D&D, Mentzer Red Box, it was just a DM and me and it was the first time either one of us played D&D. I can't remember the adventure or what monsters I fought but I did find a treasure map that led me to "1,000 platinum" as the DM put it. Neither one of us had any idea what "1,000 platinum" was so we decided it was a 6' by 6' cube of shiny silver metal.
ReplyDeleteMy brother and I rolled up a lot of characters using the blue Basic and AD&D books but the first character I actually played in a real game was a 2e fighter named Worf the Dwarf. His first adventure was a solo with the DM (no one else showed up that day) wherein he killed a few crawling claws, an orc priest, and claimed his prize of a magical Oil of Olay (permanent +2 Charisma).
ReplyDeleteKind of embarrassing. It was a halfling. Named Bilbo. Hey, c'mon, I was twelve...
ReplyDeleteMako, he was a blind archer that used a deeper "knowing" of the world in place of his vision. The game he was in didn't last long and I actually started roleplaying back in 08, so I was 25.
ReplyDeleteI was (and am) a GM for the most part of my role playing career which started around 92 at age 12-13. I can't remember exactly which was my first PC but one of the earliest I rolled up was a Wizard for an AD&D 2e one-shot in which all PCs started at level 7 or 8. He was obsessed with transmutation spells and actually turned one fellow party member into a butterfly (this was meant as an inside joke at the time). If I remember correctly he died a mere few rounds later at the hands of the other PCs who thought it was too much for their long standing DM to be messing around even as a player character! ouch!
ReplyDeleteDarkrider (it sounded cool when I was 11), was an Elf F/MU in 1e D&D. I only played a few sessions with him before I became the fulltime DM. He then converted to a rarely used NPC/Plot device.
ReplyDeleteHe was a magic-user in AD&D, I think named Arathon (I used that name for magic-users a lot early on - one of them even made it all the way to 18th level). The DM had every new character start at 1st level, but just threw us in with the other characters in the party (in this case, ranging up to 11th level). In the first adventure, we explored the Tomb of Horrors.
Fortunately for me, I didn't know how to play, so I spent all my starting money on mercenaries (I had asked, "How do I get some people to help me out?"), and the DM had no good idea on how to run them. So, all of these soldiers would just do whatever I asked, allowing my character to get through without taking any actual risks himself. My magic-user was, as I recall, the only character to make it through unscathed.
John Northcrosse, human fighter. I GMed Basic/Expert, then 1E, then several non-D&D games, then 2E before I finally got the chance to play... so John was a 2E fighter, specialized in the bastard sword. His 17 Dexterity and 18/26 Strength made two-weapon combat a no-brainer. Oh, and he was left handed. I played him for a couple of years, alongside my second character Alderon Spendler, human illusionist.