Feargus' Gaming Corner - Swords & Wizardry Appreciation Day - Rise of the Machines - I've been working on these for a while and they certainly are not finished, but there is enough information here for you to build on. I thought Swords & Wizardry Appreciation Day would be the perfect time to roll out what I've got so far...
The OSR Library - S&W Appreciation Day: Adventure, The Caverns of the Skraelings - Caverns of the Skraelings This setting can easily be dropped into any existing campaign or used as a one-shot adventure. For a bit of flavor let's stylize this one a bit for a one-shot game. Let's do Fantasy Vikings, short and sweet with little worry of historical 'accuracy.'...
Castelli & Chimere (Castles & Chimeras) - Swords & Wizardry a short review and a new class -The S&W ruleset has a great merit, every page cries "THIS IS YOUR GAME", this is your game to take and modify as much as you like...
Basic Fantasy RPG Blog - Swords & Wizardry - I can remember when I first saw Mythmere’s announcement of Swords & Wizardry on the Dragonsfoot forums. I had a long familiarity with Mythmere’s work, gained by too much time spent on Dragonsfoot, and I expected anything he set out to do would be good. I downloaded that early version and was suitably impressed...
Pilgrims Guide Zeitgeist - S&W Appreciation Day a look at Ruins & Ronin Part One - For S&W Appreciation Day, I am not going to write about straight up Swords & Wizardry White Box but about one of the cool supplements for the game that i have found and use...
What Do I Know? - Swords, Wizardry, Confessions, and Theft (Swords and Wizardry Appreciation Day) - I have a confession to make right up front. I don't play in or run a Swords and Wizardry game. In fact, I've been running a Dungeon Crawl Classics game for months now that I'm really happy with. No, wait, don't go. I come to praise Swords and Wizardry, not to bury it.
Rended Press - Harnly's Hole: An Adventure for S&W WhiteBox - Why do I like Swords & Wizardry WhiteBox? It's deadly, that's why! It makes for gritty, dangerous dungeon crawls at low-level where the spectre of death is ever-present.
Swords & Dorkery - S&W appreciation day! - People are offering various content for S&W on their blogs as part of S&W Appreciation Day. My offering is just a simple monster, the Black Hodag...
Rather Gamey - The Frog, The Finch, and the Boy - When I first fell into the spiked pit trap that is the OSR, I found myself pondering which clone to play. It came down to one of two choices - Labyrinth Lord or Sword & Wizardry...
The Sorcerer Speaks! - Expand Your Swords & Wizardry Toolbox with the DCCRPG -Alas, despite gallons of electronic ink spent attempting to explain OSR gaming, it seems we can’t quite define what we are. But I think it’s fairly clear what we love: gameplay that places no limits on the scope of our imaginations...
Bison II
Apparently this self-propelled gun ended up being called "Bison II" due to
a model-maker's error, and like many nicknames given to German WWII
1 hour ago
Just got mine up!
Mine was up seven hours ago for what it's worth: http://www.heropress.net/2013/04/merlins-miscellany-part-twelve.html