Here's the full breakdown of the Ennie Nominated Products (list borrowed from ENWorld - if you want links to the products nominated, go to ENWorld) - I'll make comments here or there in my best Grumpy impression ;)
Best Adventure
Achtung! Cthulhu - Three Kings (Chronicle City/Modiphius Entertainment) - this is the Nazis meet Cthulhu book if I'm not mistaken - I may need to check this out)
Deadlands Reloaded: The Last Sons (Pinnacle Entertainment)
Enemy Within (Fantasy Flight Games) - I'm assuming this is an update to the original WFRP adventure
Pathfinder: Rise of the Runelords Anniversary Edition (Paizo Publishing)
The Zalozhniy Quartet (Pelgrane Press)
Best Aid/Accessory
All We Have Forgotten—Music for Ashen Stars (Pelgrane Press)
Night’s Watch (Green Ronin) - this sound like fantasy law enforcement - must research
The One Ring Loremaster’s Screen & Lake-town Sourcebook (Cubicle 7)
Protodimension Magazine Issue 13 (Kinstaff Media LLC) - urhh?
The Unspeakable Oath (Arc Dream Publishing) - always good and bizarre
Best Art, Cover
Champions Complete (Hero Games)
Iron Kingdoms (Privateer Press)
The Magnificent Joop van Ooms (Lamentations of the Flame Princess) - James always does awesome art with his projects
NPC Codex (Paizo Publishing)
The Whole Hole Volume 01: Keister Island (Mutha Oith Creations)
Best Art, Interior
Ed Greenwood Presents Elminster's Forgotten Realms (Wizards of the Coast)
Night’s Black Agents (Pelgrane Press)
Night’s Watch (Green Ronin) - ah, Song of Fire and Ice
Shadows of Esteren Book 1 (Agate Editions) - I don't need to see any other product to declare this the winner ;)
The Whole Hole Volume 01: Keister Island (Mutha Oith Creations)
Best Blog
Gnome Stew - the only one I know and a damn good one - but where are the ones I know besides Gnome Stew? +Martin Ralya
The Illuminerdy
Nerd Trek
Triumph and Despair
The Rogue Warden
Best Cartography
Ancient Temple Interior (DramaScape)
Deep Blues: Nautilus (0One Games)
Drake Starship Map (Blackwyrm Games)
The Lands of Ice and Fire (Random House)
Sprawl Sites: High Society and Low Life (Catalyst Game Labs)
Best Electronic Book
Curse the Darkness (Growling Door Games, Inc.)
Deadlands Reloaded: The Last Sons (Pinnacle Entertainment)
The Deadly Seven (paNik productions)
Experimental Paradigm of Cinematic Horror (EPOCH) (Imaginary Empire)
Hobomancer (Hex Games)
Best Family Game
Doctor Who: Adventures in Time & Space—11th Doctor Edition (Cubicle 7)
Hero Kids—Fantasy RPG (Hero Forge Games)
Mermaid Adventures (Third Eye Games)
Project Ninja Panda Taco (Jennisodes)
Wandering Monsters High School (Bold Pueblo Games)
Best Free Game
Mazes and Perils RPG (WG Productions) - Vince get's us another OSR nomination - never heard of any of the others +Vincent Florio
Phantasm (2010) (End Transmission Games LLC)
Nights of the Crusades (Aetheric Dreams)
Silent Memories (Morning Skye Studio)
Throwigames Simple Roleplaying System (Throwigames)
Best Free Product
Battletech: A Time of War Quick-Start Rules/Shadowrun Quick-Start Rules (Catalyst Game Labs)
EPOCH: Road Trip (Imaginary Empire)
Fools Rush In (Privateer Press)
Night in the Seyvoth Manor (Darklight Interactive)
Wayfinder #8 (Paizo Fans United)
Best Game
Astonishing Swordsmen and Sorcerers of Hyperborea (North Wind Adventures, LLC) - awesome pick - now it has to win :) +Jeff Talanian
Broken Rooms (Greymalkin Designs, LLC)
Champions Complete (Hero Games)
Iron Kingdoms (Privateer Press)
Night’s Black Agents (Pelgrane Press)
(shit - this list is longer than the Oscars and the Academy Awards put together)
Best Miniature
Dungeon Command: Blood of Gruumsh (Wizards of the Coast)
Freeblades: Black Rose Bandits (DGS Games)
Pathfinder Battles: Shattered Star Gargantuan Blue Dragon (WizKid Games/NECA)
Pathfinder Bestiary Box (Paizo Publishing)
Spot of Bother Set One: Royal Highland Guards (Okumart Games)
Best Monster/Adversary
Champions Villains Vol. 3: Solo Villains (Hero Games)
DC Adventures Heroes & Villains Vol. 2 (Green Ronin)
Inner Sea Bestiary (Paizo Publishing)
Mutants and Masterminds Threat Report (Green Ronin)
NPC Codex (Paizo Publishing)
Best Podcast
Atomic Array
Indie Talks
Haste: The Official Obsidian Portal Podcast
TableTop: Dragon Age (wait, wasn't this like a youtube one shot?)
Transmissions from the Ninth World
Best Production Values
Astonishing Swordsmen and Sorcerers of Hyperborea (North Wind Adventures, LLC) (another chance for AS&SH to win)
Doctor Who: Adventures in Time & Space—11th Doctor Edition (Cubicle 7)
Iron Kingdoms (Privateer Press)
Rimward (Posthuman Studios)
Shadows of Esteren Book 1 (Agate Editions) - from what I've seen, this is a contender
Best RPG Related Product
Edition Wars (Gamer Nations Studios)
Eighth Day Genesis: A Worldbuilding Codex for Writers and Creatives (Alliteration Ink)
The Express Diaries (Innsmouth House Press)
Kobold Guide to Wordbuilding (Kobold Press) only one i heard of
The Lands of Ice and Fire (Random House)
Best Rules heard of 3 out of 5
Champions Complete (Hero Games)
Dungeon World (Sage Kobold Productions)
Experimental Paradigm of Cinematic Horror (EPOCH) (Imaginary Empire)
Iron Kingdoms (Privateer Press)
Night’s Black Agents (Pelgrane Press)
Best Setting
Broken Rooms (Greymalkin Designs, LLC)
Magnimar: City of Monuments (Paizo Publishing)
Menzoberranzen: City of Intrigue (Wizards of the Coast)
Midgard Campaign Setting (Kobold Press)
Mythic Iceland (BRP/Chaosium)
Best Software
The Crawler’s Companion (Purple Sorcerer Games) - congrats +Jon Marr
Cthulhu Mythos Encyclopedia (E-book Edition) (Arc Dream Publishing)
Dice & Dragons - 3D Dice Roller (simpleFun)
PCGen (PCGen)
Roll20 (The Orr Group, LLC) - my VTT of choice these days
Best Supplement
Dark Roads & Golden Hells (Kobold Press)
Doctor Who: The Time Traveler's Companion (Cubicle 7)
Night’s Watch (Green Ronin)
Menzoberranzen: City of Intrigue (Wizards of the Coast)
Shadowrun 2050 (Catalyst Game Labs)
Best Website
The Escapist
Gnome Stew - wait, blog or website? can you be both? - hmm, every blog IS a website, but not every website is a blog...
Modus Operandi
See Page XX
Best Writing
Doctor Who: The Time Traveler's Companion (Cubicle 7)
Kobold Guide to Worldbuilding (Kobold Press)
Never Unprepared: Guide to Session Prep (Engine Publishing) - more congrats to +Martin Ralya
Night’s Black Agents (Pelgrane Press)
Wolsung Steam Pulp Fantasy (Kuźnia Gier/Studio 2 Publishing)
Product of the Year
Astonishing Swordsmen and Sorcerers of Hyperborea (North Wind Adventures, LLC) - do eett!
Broken Rooms (Greymalkin Designs, LLC)
Champions Complete (Hero Games)
Doctor Who: The Time Traveler's Companion (Cubicle 7)
Experimental Paradigm of Cinematic Horror (EPOCH) (Imaginary Empire)
Iron Kingdoms (Privateer Press)
Menzoberranzen: City of Intrigue (Wizards of the Coast)
Night’s Black Agents (Pelgrane Press)
NPC Codex (Paizo Publishing)
Shadows of Esteren Book 1 (Agate Editions) - the whole line looks amazing
Judges' Spotlight Winners
Hooper - Leviathans (Catalyst Game Labs)
Matthew Muth - School Daze (Sand & Steam Productions)
Jakud Nowosad - Deniable Asset (Random Encounters)
Megan Robertson - Killshot: Director’s Cut (Broken Ruler Games)
Kurt Wiegel - Eldritch Skies (Battlefield Press, Inc.)
Volo's Guide to Waterdeep (1992)
From the back of the book:
Well met, traveler!
You hold in your hands an amazing and insightful guide to Waterdeep—the
metropolis of the North, the City...
1 hour ago
The new version of The Enemy Within shares a title and one of the writers with the original but otherwise isn't too similar.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the positive vibes, Erik! Much appreciated! ~Jeff Talanian
ReplyDeleteEdition Wars looks to be a fun little game