Many of us "Old School Gamers" look back fondly on the classic B2 for Basic D&D. Or G1-3. Maybe Tomb of Horrors.
Often out focus is on the TSR classics, but there are others out there (many from Judges Guild come to mind).
My favorite, possibly of all time - Death on the Reik for Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 1st Edition.
25 some odd years I can't say for sure if the adventure was uber-awesome, but my memories of it are. It was a blast to GM and my players had a blast with it. Too bad the campaign came to an end when the party's wizard blew himself and most of the party up with a misplaced fireball. It wasn't so much the fireball itself, but the dozen or so flasks of oil that he carried to enhance his pyromaniac tendencies. Ah well, he did learn a lesson.
So, what your favorite and why?
Friday Filler: Costa Rica
Deep in the rainforests of Central America, there are many animals, both
rare and common, to be found, counted, and photographed. The common
Basilisk Liza...
1 hour ago
City State of the World Emperor by Judge's Guild. Most people prefer CS of the Invincible Overlord, but for whatever reason I preferred the "other" city state. With Dark Tower (also a JG product) a very close second.
ReplyDeleteJames Bond's Live and Let die was a great one. Close second would be Expedition to the Barrier Peaks for DnD.
ReplyDeleteTorg's Destiny Map / Possiblity Chalice / Forever City trilogy. It was just so weird, and we had some very dramatic fights; Several times I didn't think the PC's would win but they always seemed to do so at the last second. The rest of the Torg published adventures weren't so good, unfortunately.
ReplyDeleteMasks of Nyarlathotep for Call of Cthulhu.
ReplyDeleteLich Lords by Mayfair Games. I wrote a little bit about it last year. Map of Lich Lords
ReplyDeleteSecond that vote for Lich Lords. (Fixed link to Large Lich Lords Map)
DeletePersonal all time favorite (even over TSR's best) is Role Aids The Keep.
Oh definitely better than the keep movie!
DeleteAnything's better than that... I wish someone would do a remake that stuck to the original text. I understand the recent graphic novel holds close to Wilson's book.
DeleteCaverns of Thracia.
ReplyDeleteAs to the why - the maps. Caverns of Thracia does things with 3 dimensions and nonlinear design that are amazing. And what's in the key is none too shabby either.
DeleteCavern of Thracia is a good one.
DeleteIsle of the Dead for Chill. It's a haunted amusement park, for Pete's sake! I've freaked out many a PC with that module over the years.
ReplyDeleteThat's a good one, too!
DeleteRiver of Cradles - RQ.
ReplyDeleteThe module I have used the most is Verbosh. I think I have used parts of that in about 10 different campaigns. Caverns of Thracia is my go to beginner's module.
ReplyDeleteBut my alltime fave non TSR? As a player I really enjoyed JG's Inferno. We all died, but it was a hoot. Just cray-cray and lots of fun.
For some reason I really enjoy running Tegel Manor. It is just so unnatural.
Probably have to go with Caverns of Thracia here, though Masks of Nyarlathotep is an extremely close second.
ReplyDeleteThe Hall of Risk for Stormbringer (older editions). A weird, downbeat gaming hall of Chaos where PCs could gamble away their lives or humanity for the chance of (tainted) power. One of those rare gems where Stormbringer did its own thing instead of rehashing dungeon crawls.
ReplyDeleteThe double adventure The Chamax Plague/Horde for Traveller, and also Duneraiders, also for Traveller but from The Gamelords. The Keith brothers produced some of the best gaming material for any system.
ReplyDeleteParisian adventures for FGU's Flashing Blades
ReplyDeleteI have to agree, artikid. Of all the supplements for FB, that's the one I use most.
DeleteI've actually never played a module before. Though, I would very much like to change that.
ReplyDeleteShadows of Yog-Sothoth was a ton of fun. Probably has to get my nod for favorite.
ReplyDeleteHammer of the Gods for Lamentations of the Flame Princess looks very promising, but I haven't had a chance to run it yet. Death Frost Doom was quite fun to run. I loved seeing it dawn on my players just what they had released.
The only module I've ever played is the Imperishable Sorceress(DCC Free RPG Day 2013 giveaway), so I'll go with that one. :-) It was very fun and a great intro to DCC, imo.
ReplyDelete'The Black Madonna' for T:2000 (a great little sandbox adventure), and 'Lair of the Medusa' by a company called DELF. The latter just has all sorts of odd atmosphere, and little tidbits like a 'SIGHT/SMELL/HEAR' attribute for each room, and even notes for 'Speak With Dead' spell usage. Never saw anything else by them...
ReplyDeleteBlack Death for Ars Magica. Exploring not only the perils of the plague, but also the perils of the soul assosciated with survival at all costs.