I'm not sure exactly what this "Cage O'Skin" will have as it's magical powers / enchantments, but whatever they are, I'm sure they'll be suitable unnerving ;)
Actually, the question might be "What does the Cage O'Skin hold on the inside?" Is it an egg? A spirit? Magic essence?
Heck, not even sure what I'm going to call it for "Magic Mayhem Monday", the totally unofficial "post your DCC and / or OSR magic item event.
A few of the fine folks from the DCC G+ Community page are on board, and as suggested by one of the fine commentaries on this blog, we're using the items found within the following piece of DCC RPG art for inspiration.
Want to join in? Just post your own "Magic Mayhem Monday" magic item ;)
Volo's Guide to Waterdeep (1992)
From the back of the book:
Well met, traveler!
You hold in your hands an amazing and insightful guide to Waterdeep—the
metropolis of the North, the City...
1 hour ago
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