Thursday, August 22, 2013

Micro Review - Labyrinth Lord Gnome Class (Free OSR)

Now THAT'S a Nose!

I really can't make Labyrinth Lord Gnome Class a mini review - as the actual product less it's cover is a page long.

So Micro Review it is.

Magic User / Thief hybrid class that get's advanced (+2 level) thief skills and comparable MU spells for the same level. It's a bit over powered at early levels, but screw it, it's free, right?

My one concern is the lack of the OGL in a product that claims LL compatibility. No impact on gameplay, but I do believe that is a violation of the applicable licenses.


  1. Perhaps you could compare this to Brave Halfling's Delving Deeper: Gnome for Labyrinth Lord.

    1. that actually sounds like a fun post

      maybe tomorrow night...

  2. I can't seem to find a reference to which attack level progression to use. I would assume the thief progression, but wonder if the +2 level skill thing applies there too? (E.g., a 2nd level gnome attacks as a 4th level thief?) Or is that just thief "skills" (climbing, picking pockets,etc.)

    1. i wondered the same thing - i assume normal thief progression, but not sure

    2. To balance the relative strength of the class, I might even go with the MU progression.

  3. "My one concern is the lack of the OGL in a product that claims LL compatibility. No impact on gameplay, but I do believe that is a violation of the applicable licenses. "

    No, you can't violate a license you're not using. No OGL=no license=no license violation. Generic copyright and TM law then applies.

    1. they are publishing with the Labyrinth Lord compatibility license - which I believe requires the OGL


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