Thursday, September 12, 2013

Vote on What Gets Moved to the Top of the Tavern's Review Pile - Because it's a Damn Big Pile!

I have a shitload of stuff to review, and I'm failing badly at doing so. Work is taking up more time then it had (which means overtime and more money to spend on goodies, so I'm not really complaining) but it does mean free time is at a premium.

So, I'm letting you vote on what gets moved to the top of the review pile (one random voter gets a $5 RPGNow credit, so there is an added bonus in voting).

In no particular order:

Adventures Dark & Deep Players Manual - a AD&D 2e "what if".

City State of the Sea Kings - a new Wilderlands sourcebook / campaign.

Five Ancient Kingdoms - a new arabic twist to a classic ruleset - and no D20's either

Whitehack - a nice, compact OSR style game that steps away from the OSR

Arrows of Indra - OSR gaming inspired by the subcontinent of India

The Dungeon Alphabet, Expanded Third Printing - do I need to explain what this is? ;)

Stoneheart Valley - just noticed the S&W version says "Pathfinder" on the cover - that's going to make for some confusing retail sales.

Tome of Horrors 4 - the latest monster book from Frog God

The Free City of Eskadia - a city book for C&C

Call of Cthulhu 6th Edition - cause Halloween is right around the corner

Army Ants RPG - 'cause I almost forgot ;)

I'll leave the voting up through Saturday evening.

Vote on the blog or G+. Vote for up to 3 choices. All picks get equal weight.


  1. Adventures Dark and Deep.
    Dungeon Alphabet.
    Arrows of Indra.

  2. Tome of Horrors 4
    Stoneheart Valley
    City State of the Sea Kings

  3. - Adventures Dark & Deep (Been on my radar for a long time.)
    - Stoneheart Valley (Supposed to be an update of 3E era Necromancer Games modules now updated and connected fully into a setting, would like to see how that turned out.)
    - The Free City of Eskadia (Seen the Troll Lord preorder a while ago. I have the C&C rulebooks, but none of their setting stuff. Curious how that goes.)

  4. Adventures Dark and Deep

  5. Weren't there a few DCC RPG adventures (cough, cough) that you meant to review, but didn't get to?

    1. one arrived today ;)

      DCC Adventures can get reviewed between the others, which are mostly longer (by a wide margin) than the DCC adventures.

      So, they will be my mental breaks between the longer and larger reviews ;)

  6. City State of the Sea Kings
    Michael Curtis' suggestion
    Arrows of Indra.

  7. Five Ancient Kingdoms
    City State of the Sea Kings
    Arrows of Indra

  8. Arrows of Indra is at the top of my list, followed by City State of the Sea Kings and your take on Call of Cthulhu 6th edition.

  9. Adventures Dark & Deep Players Manual
    City State of the Sea Kings
    The Free City of Eskadia

  10. I already have Adventure Dark & Deep, but I wouldn't mind seeing a review. Tome of Horror 4. And the City-State one.

  11. Dungeon Alphabet, I'm curious what extra got added.

  12. City State of the Sea Kings
    Adventures Dark & Deep
    Arrows of Indra

  13. The Free City of Eskadia
    Stoneheart Valley
    City State of the Sea Kings

  14. City State of the Sea Kings
    Adventures Dark & Deep
    Five Ancient Kingdoms

  15. City State of the Sea Kings
    City State of the Sea Kings
    City State of the Sea Kings

    In that order... :)

  16. Arrows of Indra
    5 Ancient Kingdoms (I'll throw JB a bone - I read his blog all the time)
    Adventures Dark & Deep Players Manual

  17. I've been intrigued by your previous mentions of 'Whitehack' and 'Five Ancient Kingdoms', and would also be interested on hearing your take on 'Call of Cthulhu'.

  18. City State of the Sea Kings
    Adventures Dark & Deep

  19. Whitehack, 5 Ancient Kingdoms, Adventures Dark & Deep.

  20. Adventures Dark and Deep
    Tome of Horrors 4
    Whats new in the expanded Dungeon Alphabet

  21. Arrows of Indra!
    Adventures Dark and Deep!
    Five Ancient Kingdoms!

  22. Arrows of Indra
    City State of the Sea Kings
    Stoneheart Valley

  23. City State of the Sea Kings
    Call of Cthulhu 6th ed.

  24. Arrows of Indra
    Five ancient kingdoms
    AD&D PM

  25. Army Ants, Whitehack, Five Ancient Kingdoms

  26. Whitehack! It's a game that needs more love.
    City State of the Sea Kings

  27. Adventures Dark & Deep
    City State of the Sea Kings

  28. City State of the Sea Kings
    Arrows of Indra
    (in any order)

  29. Adventures Dark and Deep
    Arrows of Indra

  30. Adventures Dark and Deep! Adventures Dark and Deep! Adventures Dark and Deep!

    But yeah, City state of the Sea Kings too, because it's a terrific book for us JG fans, and Chris is a great guy in person.

  31. Adventures Dark and Deep

    I want to see what it's like from your perspective. Since it's in print through RPGnow instead of LuLu, I can't wrangle a deal for it, and I can't combine it into one of my larger lulu orders... so I'm hesitant to pick it up.

  32. City State of the Sea Kings

    Stoneheart Valley


  33. I would love to see your thoughts on Army Ants, but I get it that there are only so many hours in the day, and you have a big pile of awesome to sort through. Thanks for including my game in the semi-finals!

  34. I vote for:

    City State
    Adventures dark and deep
    Dungeon Alphabet

  35. Adventures Dark and Deep
    Five Ancient Kingdoms
    Army Ants

  36. City State of the Sea Kings
    Arrows of Indra
    The Free City of Eskadia, mostly because I never heard of it and cities are always (mostly?) cool...

  37. City StaTe of the Sea Kings
    Stoneheart Valley
    Five Ancient Kingdoms

  38. White hack, Five Ancient Kingdoms, Army Ants

  39. 1) Adventures Dark & Deep Players Manual
    2) City State of the Sea Kings
    3) Stoneheart Valley

  40. 1) Adventures Dark & Deep PM
    2) Five Ancient Kingdoms
    3) Call of Cthulhu 6e

  41. Just to be different I'm going for Whitehack - interested to hear how it steps away from the OSR.

    Other than that got to love a bit of City-States action ;)

  42. Arrows of Indra
    Five Ancient Kingdoms

  43. Adventures Dark and Deep followed by Call of Cthulu..


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