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Saturday, September 7, 2013

What is Your "Go To" Non OSR / D&D Ruleset?

I ask this question, because although I own a crapload of RPG systems, I run OSR / AD&D / DCC pretty much exclusively these days.

I'm tempted to run an OpenQuest 2 game for a few sessions when it ships (I supported the Indiegogo).

Still, all that being said, I'm open to other systems, so long as the crunch isn't much. And yes, I know about Savage Worlds, just have trouble wrapping my head around it at times (love the Solomon Kane RPG tho', go figure).

So, any thoughts or ideas?


  1. I love my Rules Cyclopedia and Microlite 74/75 rulesets, but I'm currently doing a RuneQuest 6 campaign. It's rules-heavier, but it all makes sense, which is nice. I am immensely excited for this campaign.

    Just finished with Savage Worlds. It took a bit to get used to it, but the players loved it (for alt-history supers).

    If had to run a non-OSR game right now, with no prep? Does Castles & Crusades count?

  2. The game system that has become my go to is Abstract Dungeon. I've been using it really well to play a play by post. It's designed to be really setting agnostic and an incredibly quick resolution.

  3. I am an unabashed lover of the Cortex system. Not Cortex Plus but the plain vanilla Cortex System book. It is a fun, fast system where you're always rolling something ... its all rolls, all rolls!

    I am also a fan of Open6 and Mini6 ... except for their ideas on magic which are just too vague, so I tend to run Swords and Sandals or Swords and Planets games with that system (and Doctor Who).

  4. I've switched from AD&D/LL to Dungeon World, and I cannot imagine ever going back.

  5. No secret for me that it's the Runequest/BRP/Call of Cthulhu lineup. And GURPS when I have the right mix of players.

  6. Another vote for BRP from me. Almost exclusively in its Call of Cthulhu guise these days.

  7. Mine is Savage Worlds. I really like that it's so much different from the old school D&D type systems.

    However, I've only used it for Post Apocalyptic, Pulp Cthulhu, and World War 2 type games. Not sure if it would work for straight up fantasy.

  8. My non-D&D these days that I'm running are:

    Gamma World (the latest edition in the ugly green box)
    Star Frontiers
    Vampire: the Requerade / Masquiem... whatever

    The games I pull out when we need some random RPG fun?

    Lacuna Part 1 - The Creation of the Mystery and the Girl from Blue City (I FREAKING LOVE THIS GAME)
    Any number of the 1PG mini-games.

  9. Star Wars d6, MiniSix, and Risus. Or the German 'Saga'-System, all are rules-light and easy to houserule.

  10. d100 systems (BRP/RQ/Legend) or Cortex Prime for the most part. Rather fond of Ubiquity also (Hollow Earth Expedition/Leagues of Adventure)

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Though I haven't had the chance to play it yet, I'm liking Barbarians of Lemuria.

  13. Ashen Stars is a pretty good game, based around the Gumshoe engine. I had a lot of fun running an investigative game using it recently. And Legends of the Five Rings (L5R) is an awesome game system if you want a little of the old hack and slash with your tea ceremony.

  14. I've always been a big fan of the Pacesetter Action Table System. Once you grok how it works, it covers pretty much everything that could happen in-game.

  15. For obvious reasons, Dangerous Journeys. However, it is a tad crunchy. For something light in the extreme, try TWERPS.

  16. How about something middle of the road? The Fantasy Trip. Love that game, probably ran more of it than anything outside of D&D.

  17. Flashing Blades and Cavemaster
    I haven't really liked anything else I've tried.

  18. Traveller (preferably MT, though MgT has been growing on me) or GURPS.

  19. I'm looking! GM'd a bunch of Call of Cthulu, WEG Star Wars and PARANOIA back in the '80s, but since 2000 it's been D&D-based systems almost exclusively (currently 1e AD&D online and 4e D&D tabletop). I ran a fun Dragon Warriors mini-campaign during the vacation with my 6-year old son, but now we're back home with Netflix & ipad that has tailed off. I played Savage Worlds for several months, but it was a terrible fit with the grim & gritty War of the Dead zombie horror setting, not that All Flesh Must Be Eaten is much better.
    I recently bought the big BRP book alongside the A Song of Ice and Fire RPG, I'd like to use the former as a generic system for non-D&D games(I once used Call of Cthulu for ALIENS, and that worked brilliantly) but that'll be a long time coming. Also in theory I like the idea of running Traveller, but...

  20. For me it's Call of Cthulhu, Old School Hack, or D20 Modern, depending on the genre. I have a fondness for Big Eyes, Small Mouth (BESM) as well but it takes work to design up stuff to play.

  21. For me it has to be Fate. I've used it for a ton of things since first buying Spirit Of The Century

  22. My go-to system is GURPS 3rd Edition.

  23. I don't have a "Go To" Non OSR / D&D Ruleset, but I'd like to play more WFRP(1E), and try Savage Worlds and Shadowrun.

  24. Worlds of Wordplay (http://d101games.com/books/wordplay/).
