This is the 2nd update and the list of goodies just keeps growing...
This community constantly humbles me by it's generosity. I am very proud to be a part of it and extremely happy to be hosting the "12 Days of OSR Christmas" in December. We are swimming in "Santas"! You all fucking rock!
I'm going to update (again) the list of goodies, with the additions that came in over night (yet again) at the top of the list:
- a set of handmade Elder Futhark Runes made and donated by +matt jackson
- Terratic Tome and Slaughter Grid print copies donated by +Rafael Chandler
- 5 PDF copies of That's a Goblin!? donated by +Mark Chance
- $15 RPGNow Gift Card donated by Joshua De Santo
- A Curious Volume of Forgotten Lore in hardcover and a pdf bundle of all three Adventures Dark and Deep core rulebooks donated by +Joseph Bloch
- "The Gnomes of Levnec" and "A Thousand Dead Babies" in PDF donated by +Zzarchov Kowolski
- a WardCo reprint of the original Metamorphosis Alpha rules signed by James Ward himself donated by +Tim Snider
- print copies of TM1 The Ogress of Anubis and VA1 Valley of the Five Fires donated by Rich "New Big Dragon" - Rich will be mailing via Lulu and will eat the shipping cost for international recipients, so he is double generous :)
- a set of The Manor (issues 1-5) in print and 1 set in PDF donated by +Tim Shorts
- 1 *PRINT* (+PDF) copy each of Crawl, 1-8 and a copy of Hack: Firearms! donated by +Dak Ultimak
and yesterday's listing:
1 set including the following -S&W Whitebox (softcover), Heroes & Other Worlds Adventure Game and Whitehack (a very generous donor)
1 DCC RPG Core Rulebook (1st Printing) (your tavern keeper)
AL 4 - The Way Station and AL 5 - Stars in the Darkness for the DCC RPG (print set - possibly more than one set - donated by +Purple Duck Games
2 copies of Lords of Gossamer & Shadow (hardcover - your tavern keeper)
1 copy of Dwarves & Dragons (strategy game by Ken St. Andre - signed and numbered 33/100 and donated by your tavern keeper)
1 copy of Three Days Until Retirement (in print and donated by Stuart K - who also wrote and Kickstarted it successfully)
1 copy of Treasure Awaits (softcover andan excellent OSR styles game donated by +Brett Bernstein )
1 copy of Lords of Olympus (softcover B&W donated by +Brett Bernstein )
Other items I find in the prize closet / basement (old games, duplicates, etc)
Other items donated in print and / or PDF
RPGNow store credit
The list is STILL growing - it will be updated again tomorrow when more stuff is nailed down.
MC9: Monstrous Compendium Spelljammer Appendix (1991)
From the publisher:
This appendix is filled with new creatures for the Spelljammer universe,
and it highlights the creatures of Wildspace; new and savage...
1 hour ago
How does this concept work? I'd be happy to donate to the cause. Hit me up!