Thursday, December 5, 2013

There Was a Time I Dreamed of Doing a Comic Strip on the Blog...


Fairly early on in my "blogging career" I thought of doing a weekly comic strip here on Tenkar's Tavern. Wanted to make it a regular feature. My inspiration? The LotR rekinning that someone had done, because it proved to me you could do it with little or no artistic talent, which was good, as I was in the "no artistic talent" category.

The thing is, grabbing all of those stills from a movie is tedious work, and working them into a coherent retelling of a story even more so. I would have had an easier time doing stick figures, but I doubt I could have done them well (and OoTS takes stick figures to a whole new level).

Now, I know they have that "talking heads" software, where a mechanical voice speaks and the animation is minimal, but is there a program where talentless artistic hacks like me can put together a comic strip?

Not that I would make my blog readers suffer such an indignity - at least not on a regular basis. Irregular on the other hand...

Figured I'd ask. Would have to be simple enough that a 3 year old could do it. Alright, maybe not THAT simple, but you know what I mean ;)


  1. Have you looked at http://stripgenerator.com/? I think that's what they were using for the comic that was in the DriveThruRPG newsletters for a while.

  2. I'm sure there's something out there now, but when I made my daily comic a few years ago, I wrote scripts, created templates in Photoshop, and used my powers of Data Entry to quickly and methodically generate panels before consolidating them onto a "page."

    I'm going to do the same thing when I relaunch my webcomic in a few months.



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