Spider-Verse x Anime Art
Check out these fun Marvel x Anime mashups by The_Monsterwolf.Spider-Mirko
(Marvel x My Hero Academia)Carnage Devil (Marvel x Chainsaw Man)
3 hours ago
Well, and here comes some brutal truth: The cost of the Player's Handbook Kickstarter was astronomical. Every decision that I made that I thought was a minor decision (like glossy paper in the PG) turned out to be an awfully expensive one. My inexperience and excitement over the success of the campaign collided to turn me into a donkey business man. So, we have officially approached the point where I'm either dipping into GMG funds or self-funding the shipping, printing of the Starter Guides, etc. It's not your problem, and I don't want to make it your problem, but it's the harsh reality of where we are and why things will take so long.
Awful Note: Things have clearly deteriorated. Myth & Magic is likely doomed now because of my mismanagement of the campaigns and the fact that with my new job, I lost a significant amount of time that I used to happily spend on the game. Goodwill may or may not be salvageable.
What can I do? I'm not sure. I plan, regardless of public hate, to finish the Kickstarter campaigns and deliver the product. Hopefully, somewhere along the line, things will go from negative to neutral. They may never be positive, but heck, I'll take neutral.
What about a FREE OSR distribution CD-ROM?
We put on the most popular free products that we have the permission to use, build a front end (HTML) that has the links to the PDFs on the disk and then links to the various sites and links to whatever else.
Each game would need some promotional "Ad" copy written.
The idea then is we, you, me, whomever demos the game then gives out copies of this disk to the players.
Off the top of my head I think we should include:
Basic Fantasy
Swords & Wizardry
Labyrinth Lord (Free versions)
Lamentations of the Flame Princess (the free versions that out there)
Spellcraft & Swordplay (Basic version)
Matt Finch's Quick Primer for Old School gaming
There could be and should be more.Hell, I'd put together a S&W compatible PDF just for something like this. It's a great way to get more eyes on the OSR, and with the compatibility of the systems, a rising tide would literally life all.