The Evils Of Illmire
After watching several videos praising it, I decided to grab a pdf copy of
The Evils of Illmire. The adventure was written, produced, and features
layout b...
3 hours ago
You know that proverb about interesting times? That's been my life. A lot has gone wrong lately. I have the perspective to know that I am still fortunate in many ways but I have been unemployed for quite a while and have not been able to get my head above water.
Here is the plan - instead of landing the stopgap job I can't seem to land anyway I will start the terrain building business I have been working toward and start looking for ways to go back to school so I can shift careers completely. The trouble is - I have to get by until I can make this happen. That's where you come in.
I am raising funds to keep me going while I put my plan into effect. I am asking for help but want to work for my supper. I have come up with a series of Rewards that should offer something for almost anyone.
These hand made sets include 2 Medium Corridors, 1 90’ Turn, 1 “T” intersection, 2 Small Rooms, 2 Doors, 1 Trap Door, 1 Staircase and 3 Wall Slugs. Sold separately these bits would run $100 but I am pricing this test run at $60.
My math says I can cast all he bits I need for one "round" of sets in one week. If assembling and painting takes another week that means these will be done toward the end of the month.
I have priced the sets without shipping - if you want something I'll let you know how much it will cost to send it to where you are and you can PayPal the shipping cost to me.I must admit - $25 to make Mike write an apology is tempting, but I'm not the "1 in 8" ;)
In brief, my plan with the new crowfund is to combine the two Barrowmaze books into a definitive single volume entitled Barrowmaze Complete with new material, art, professional design and layout. Ex-TSR artist Erol Otus has agreed to provide the cover art! Woot! Woot!Excellent news! I'll be back for more it seems ;)
This is the game we all know, in a version borrowing from all editions, from "classic" to "3e." As such you already know the rules, nothing to relearn. You've got ascending attack bonuses (called BtH) and AC, but using the old descending AC is still possible. You've got all the spells found in 1e with UA, and many more for a total of 666 spells. There is a lot of classes, old and new. There is a fundamental difference with regard to priests though: all spellcasters are considered mages, with those using former cleric spells being wise-men/women, and those using former druid spells being forestals. Then, priests classes don't necessarily get supernatural powers, and when they do (i.e. friar class), they pray for immediate divine help rather than preparing and casting spells. This is the only main difference. Other than that, FH&W is 430 pages of simple rules and many options. The book is a combination of player's manual and GM's manual, but does not include monsters and magic items. However, you may use those from Osric or Castles & Crusades just as easily.Indexed PDF version (not free) coming in December. Print on Demand may be before that.