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Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Quantum - The New Holder of the "Worst RPG Kickstarter" Crown - based on Kickstarters supported by the Tavern

Sure, Far West is by far the most overdue Kickstarter on my list, but I'll give Gareth a pass for legit health reason this time around.

And yes, Dwimmermount has become the poster child of "how not to run a Kickstarter for someone else".

Myth & Magic is certainly the one most likely to ship via imaginary packing slips.

Nystul is still in a world of his own.

But Quantum? Quantum holds a special place in my Kickstarter heart.
Update #82 Sep 29 2013 
Problems and Resolutions

The past nearly two months have been awful. I've struggled mightily to get the final art pieces in, even going so far as to seek additional art help for Hugo with no positive results. I've hesitated to discuss art struggles as my own writing and design struggles have been significant, but I feel all struggling aspects of this game now need to be discussed, not just my own. At this point, I may have to release the book missing some of the monster art and without a poster map. I seriously hope this doesn't happen, but I can't wait for the art any longer. 
Financially, I reached the wall where continuing to work on this game without a paycheck is not possible. I then had to spend time looking for, finding, and then accepting a new part-time job. It's not exactly the sort of job I want to shout to the roof tops, but it pays the bills. It also takes a great deal of time away from what I want to be working on (the game), but after the "busy period" I'm in right now at work ends in a few weeks, things to will settle back down to where I can crush the remaining chapters. 
Colleen is the bright spot in these last two months. She's banging out some amazing layout work despite working a full time job. Her work is amazing and I think you'll be equally impressed. 
My goal right now is to have the entire game out of my meddlesome hands by Turkey Day with the final book, at minimum, released as a PDF by the New Year and well on its way through the printing process with our overseas printers.
We are very close to being done and have unfortunately been very close for a while now. 
I'm back to frequent updates again and I'm sorry for the lack of updates. 
See the date above? September 29, 2013. Nearly 5 months ago. I'm glad Josh returned to something that he considers "frequent updates" or it might have been 6 months since his last update.

Yes Josh, I'll drink my next beer with a toast for you. Amazing job not doing your job without even giving us a stroke job.


  1. He over-reached, shit happens. You helped fund a business venture, you didn't buy a product. The main issue with this one is the guy's inability to not worry about deadlines and time and just make the best product he can and release it when it's done. He's not beholden to anybody but himself.

    You didn't buy a product, you funded his project. You're an investor. If it never happens, if he gets burned out and gives up, oh well. Shit happens. Good luck getting your money back from a (I assume) dry hole. Which is how investments work. And the sooner people start realizing that Kickstarter is about investing, not buying, the better.

    1. I really wish you had bothered to read the post you commented on.

      What was my complaint?

      "See the date above? September 29, 2013. Nearly 5 months ago. I'm glad Josh returned to something that he considers "frequent updates" or it might have been 6 months since his last update."

      Communication goes a long way. As does reading comprehension, but you have been dying to post that comment for ages I expect ;)

    2. Also, in the real world where you have professional backers investing in a project, they absolutely expect results...a return on investment. If you think the backers behind a major investment like The Elder Scrolls Online are going to just roll over and say "shit happens" if TESO were to implode before it was ever released, think again. The fact that individual KS backers don't contribute as much on their individual investment doesn't mean they somehow have no right to an expected return, or expect accountability.

  2. I love these wayward Kickstarters. I don't spend a dime and I get as much entertainment worth out of them as those who did. More, since my money isn't involved. No paycheck? What does he call the money he got in his Kickstarter pitch? Hah!

  3. I agree. I go into Kickstarter's assuming my stuff will never see the light of day. Maybe it's my background in doing funding for businesses but I see it that way. But then, this could quickly devolve into a "what is KS really" argument.

  4. "Yes Josh, I'll drink my next beer with a toast for you. Amazing job not doing your job without even giving us a stroke job." I am so thankful I wasn't drinking anything when I read that line. Too much of a hearty laugh at it. No-Uncertain-terms makes an excellent case for never investing in untested kickstarters no matter how much hype exist at the beginning of a project.

  5. These are really interesting case studies (sorry I'm a business teacher by day). I funded my first RPG product myself. Being the artist and writer helps and my cartographer charged some excellent prices. But one thing I made sure not to do was marketing the thing before it was 80% complete.

    I know it's not playing the Kickstarter game to the rues but I can't imagine looking for the money before I knew exactly when the project would be ready and how much it would cost. I feel sorry for these guys but a little bit of planning would have gone a long way.

    My 2 cents worth.

  6. "What is best in Kickstarter?"

    "To crush the remaining chapters, see your estimated shipping date drive behind you, and to hear the lamentations of your backers."

  7. Meanwhile, Scarlet Heroes is not even through its funding phase, and a draft of the final product is available.

    How do you spell "incompetent?"

    1. There is a reason Kevin and Joseph get my Kickstarter money and few other people do.

    2. There is a reason Kevin and Joseph get my Kickstarter money and few other people do.

  8. I might do a kickstarter for art on a project, but I'd make damn sure the rest of the project was finished first.

  9. Hey Tenkar, Joshua Frost just updated the Kickstarter today to announce that it was officially dead. He blamed Hugo Solis for everything and for some reasons it all came down to a map. It smells like bullshit to me. Anyways, looks like he has decided to get a physics degree (fuck knows how he can afford that if this project put him deep into personal debt) and will presumably be going dark forever.

  10. I see this RPG recieved a *backers only* update on the 5th of May. any idea +tenkar what the gist of it was?
