Monday, March 10, 2014

Wherein My Wife Decides to Join Me at NTRPG Con - Need to Get Her Up to Speed

In truth, my wife Rachel has been very supportive of my RPG hobby. She was actually instrumental in getting me back into active gaming, which I can't thank her enough.

She asked to join me at NTRPG Con, with the initial idea of me gaming while she went shopping and exploring. It has now evolved into "this sounds like fun! I want to get involved too!"

Time to get ready to run some one on one sessions with Scarlet Heroes and some OSR adventures.

Any suggestions on adventures that would work well for a first time player?


  1. I always like N1 Against the cult of the reptile God. It seems to have it all and rewards role-playing and thinking as much as ass beating. ;)

    1. I'd agree with this. Of course, one can never go wrong with Keep on the Borderlands. :) But, I'm sure you already thought of that one.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Erik, I'll send you a copy of Starter Adventures. It was pretty much written for such an occasion.

    1. I was going to recommend your Starter Adventures! :)

  4. Any DCC funnel adventure is a great introduction to the game, and I would recommend Michael Curtis' Frozen in Time as being particularly fun and newbie-friendly. My older daughter, for instance, loved it.

    Otherwise, the key should be to make sure that the scenario gives you someone/thing to hate, something to discover, something to accomplish, and something left hanging/unanswered. I would also suggest a strong initial hook to allow decisions to be made right away.

    If you have access to any of the old Pacesetter Chill adventures, they can be converted to other systems with great results.

  5. I don’t know if they’re still available, but Wizards had a bunch of free short 3e adventures on their site. For one group of three newbies, I made up a list of rumors/patrons for each of the adventures. The PCs would go to the tavern and pick one. I was running B/X and just ignored all the 3e stats and calls for skill checks.

  6. Dungeon Crawl Classics #29 (The Adventure Begins). Contains 20 short adventures designed as suitable beginnings. The one called "Chilled to the Bone" set in a frozen forest is an awesome starter as it deviates from the norm, not being a dungeon with 2 goblins and 50sp in room 1, etc. In fact it has somewhat of a Narnia feel to it and sowme emotional involvement which should appeal to female gamers. Highly recommended and I have run it myself.

    1. I hadn't heard of this before. Off to hunt down a copy. Thanks!

  7. There's also a follow up book; #48 The Adventure Continues.


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