Friday Filler: Costa Rica
Deep in the rainforests of Central America, there are many animals, both
rare and common, to be found, counted, and photographed. The common
Basilisk Liza...
24 minutes ago
Wish my 3E books were so resilient. After 14 years, they've (especially the Player's Handbook, but with the exception of the Monster Manual) started falling apart. To make things worse, these are the first printings, so any replacements would include the errata I hate so much!
ReplyDeleteI know everyone's said it before, but that 1E PH has the best freakin' cover! Really conveys what the game's all about
Nothing wrong with moving to 2e. You would never have any perspective on what you like and why if you didn't try other stuff out.
ReplyDeleteI quite liked 2nd edition D&D...I'm no fan of D&D, but it seemed to improve upon many things in 1st ed. Never seen later editions so can't compare.
ReplyDeleteThe dice! I played with a guy last weekend who immediately showed everyone his d20 he has used for 35 years. There was a hushed awe.
ReplyDeleteyour comment made me look for them, and lo and behold - they've been found!