Tuesday, April 1, 2014

The Lost City of Barakus Returns as a Frog God Kickstarter and Hits $15k Goal in Less Than 25? 13? Urh? Hours!

A great deal gets even better. $40 gets you the Lost City of Barakus in hard cover and PDF in your choice of flavors (S&W or Pathfinder) - and now includes Player Maps!
If we fund by 9am, April 2nd, we will provide Player's Maps for Barakus! For Free, no foolin' around.
Also, if we fund in that time period, Bill will write another wilderness encounter!
Done with 11 hrs to spare ;)

Now for some stretch goals!


  1. It was still less than two-thirds to funding when I backed in the late afternoon.
    Guess once they cranked the motivational incentives, the fans did the rest.

  2. I'm thinking $15 for a PDF might not be a bad price. Not sure yet, but I've got it starred.

  3. I pledged $40 for the PDF when they ran the Rappan Athuk kickstarter feeling that was a decent price for that book. The extras I received as part of the kickstarter on top of the PDF which was all I planned on receiving made it worthwhile. I went in on this one yesterday for both copies in hard cover and PDF.

  4. I am a fan of Frog God in general and Bill Webb in particular. I am in at a medium level pledge. Judging by my past behavior, I will be all in before long...sigh curse you for being such a temptress Bill Webb. I should probably blame Skeeter as well while I am at it....z


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