We are just over 50 posts away from 4,000 posts here at The Tavern.
Let me type that again:
4,000 posts...
Probably by the end of April
Holy shit...
I want to do something special for "Tavern 4K" but I'm at a loss - besides, OSR Superstar will probably still be going on ;)
Maybe a series of posts highlighting all of the awesome gaming blogs that I read on a daily basis and have an influence on The Tavern, even if they don't even realize it.
This post is #3948...
When the Clouds Come Down
On certain days, at twilight, the clouds gather themselves down along the
horizon and become indistinguishable from hills. At such times, the
10 hours ago
18 rats and 4000 CP?
That would be cool. The blogs that influence your writing and posting.