Thursday, July 3, 2014

In Case You Missed It - 5e Basic PDF has been Released

5e Basic Credits
5e Basic is here. No, Really.

Clocks in at a mere 2.7 mb but 110 pages, so it should work fine on most tablets (will check later)

Time to read some of this puppy.

(BTW, Monte only gets mentioned under "further development by" for his 3e work apparently, not his aborted 5e work.)


  1. I picked up the Starter Set when I left work today. I read through it and the adventure, and I'm still mulling it all over. If pressed, I'd say I'm underwhelmed. I don't think it's a bad game -- the presentation alone makes it seem both simpler and quicker to dive into than anything D&D has been in a long time.
    But it didn't spark a feeling of "I have to play this, and soon." I don't know why that is, and I couldn't tell you exactly what's missing for me. I just know when I first found Castles & Crusades, I felt a spark; I knew I could do something with it. Same with Labyrinth Lord, Swords & Wizardry and Dark Dungeons. They all inspired me to run a game using that system's quirks to make a setting, or a hex or even a one-off adventure that would feel different than the last game.
    This one doesn't appear, to me at least, to have much of a personality. It's very smooth, very straightforward, but there's nothing quirky about it. Maybe that will change when the PHB comes out next month. But I don't think I'll rush out to get it.

  2. I just skimmed the PDF and I'm skeptically optimistic. We'll see... but I'm willing to give it a shot.

  3. And of course there is no mention, not even a whisper, of anything remotely resembling an OGL, or even customizing anything. Only the boilerplate "it's all ours and none of it is yours" copyright on the first page. Meh..

    1. No licensing details will be released until the core books are out.

  4. Regarding the credits, six art directors?

    1. the art does look like it was directed by committee.

  5. Five of them were probably charged with going through and reducing the amount of spikes and buckles on the armor for this edition. :)

  6. Love the disclaimer in the credits.

  7. Been messing with it all day and I love it. The agony of waiting for the full monte next month is only slightly alleviated by the fact that I think I have enough content to run some weekly games for the next month between the Dead in Thay bestiary, Starter set and these rules (plus the Wizard's Amulet freebie....thanks Frog God!)

    No idea if this edition will "click" with the people who love Pathfinder but I don't care...this one is exactly what I was hoping it would be. Absolutely love it.

  8. No. 5E has NOT been released. The Basic Rules leave out essential information for running/playing the game, including awarding of XP, any type of NPC/monster or treasure information, or any information on "How to be a DM."

    The full Basic Rules are supposed to be released in August. Despite what they're allowing to be said around the internet, this is not a complete game.


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