I can afford one con a year that includes travel and hotel stay. One.
If I couldn't afford to go to NTRPG Con I simply wouldn't go.
Imagine that. Can't afford something that isn't a necessity in your life, you just don't get to do it.
Instead, there are folks that want others to pay for their frills. This isn't living expenses. It's not Nystul who can barely keep a roof above his head and is probably Ramen Noodles biggest non-college student customer. This isn't someone down on his luck, with medical bills or the like kicking their ass. It's not the vet bill from hell to keep a beloved pet alive.
No, it's folks like you and me - but they want you and me to pay for them to go on a vacation that we aren't going to because it doesn't fit our budget. We can't afford it either, so why should I give money so some other ass can go?
It takes fucking balls. And a certain lack of self respect.
If you want to go that badly, save your pennies or work a second job. Because my job is not going to pay for your fucking vacation.
I have a feeling I know what this is about. Also, I like the warning label.
ReplyDeleteI've seen more than one attempt, so there is no particular target.
ReplyDeleteI didn't go to Gen Con last year because I could not afford it. I don't understand this begging either. I would be too embarrassed to do this.
ReplyDeleteI have an "associate" with one of those Fund Me campaigns to go to GenCon in order to.....well, proselytize. If GenCon "needs" a preacher to conduct a service on Sunday, then GenCon can pay for it. I'll probably catch hell from mutual friends for saying this, but it is how I feel.
ReplyDeleteWait, what? St. John's is *literally* across the street.
DeleteWTF as usual I clearly don't hang around in the muddy corners of the interwebz enough so this is a new one to me.
ReplyDeleteif you want an example, message me direct and I'll send you a link - not going to advertise for anyone
DeleteOnly good excuse I've ever seen is if you're a special guest and need help paying for travel. Ideally, the con would cover it, but some smaller ones can't cover all expenses, especially for foreign guests
ReplyDeletethat's fine - the con is paying for it - they want YOU
Deletethis is begging for others to pay for your vacation
I found at least four of these on Kickstarter. Christ, that is some pathetic stuff. And ProfessorOats, typically a con will pay a special guest for travel, if not they really shouldn't be counting on that special guest to attend. NTRPG con pays all travel AND hotel fees for special guests, I suspect most cons do likewise.
ReplyDeleteI'm aware (and agree that they shouldn't count on that guest's attendance), but I've heard of some exceptional cases where a guest couldn't afford the trip without some extra help. These have all involved guests who live much farther away than the others (on the other side of the globe!). Come to think of it, some of these people were actually hesitant to accept donations and preferred to take commissions instead
DeleteI should also note that these are fan "celebrities", the type who would pay to get into the convention anyway if it were closer, rather than professionals. They're still working at the con, though, so it's not entirely a vacation for them
I haven't stumbled across any of these, but I gotta say I don't know what the fuzz is about. Is it ballsy to ask? Yeah, probably. So? The worst thing that can happen is that nobody wants to pay so they won't go. On the other hand a few people might just think "yeah, why not?" and pitch in a few bucks.
ReplyDeleteNobody is forcing any of us to pay and I don't think it hurts anyone to be kindly asked. It's not like they're shoving a beggar bowl in your face when you're sitting at a café.
Hell, didn't some celeb raise hundreds of thousands of dollars to make a potato sallad dinner for himself? Why should you have to be in dire need to be allowed to ask for crowdfunding?
yeah no one is forcing us, but the fact that its put out there is real balls, and insulting to everyone that works hard and can't go because they are responsible adults, who don't sit around begging others.
DeleteCelebs do it because that is expected of them, that's how they make their money off their fans and followers.
It's only insulting if you want it to be. Otherwise it's just another kickstarter.
DeleteI keep seeing them, and they piss me off too. I don't go to many conventions because I can't afford the time off from work (and I'm the boss so I should know). Why should I pay someone else to do it??? Gah.
ReplyDeleteI felt the same way about the DCC World Tour kickstarter.
ReplyDeleteIf someone's willing to put in 4-6 hours a day at a booth, they can likely swing a badge, a spot in a hotel room, travel (gas for drivers, a portion of a ticket for flyers--the exact portion depends) and reasonable meals. At least that's what I do for folks. I had two people bail last week though. :(
ReplyDeleteSo I guess this is a bad time to bum 10 bucks from you for a new spank mag, Eric?
ReplyDeleteIt seemed like there was a rash of them on indiegogo and gofund me last year and it did strike a nerve with me as well. Kickstarter to create something, I get. Funding requests for emergencies or medical issues, I get. But begging strangers for money on the internet for a trip to a gaming convention? I don't get it at all. I will say it looked like most of them were not successful, so maybe it will die out.
ReplyDeleteHell, I live ten miles from downtown San Diego but haven't been to Comicon since 2009 because (1) it's too expensive and (2) not worth my limited vacation time.
ReplyDeleteDoes anybody need to go to a nerd convention that badly?