Saturday, December 6, 2014

Bundle of Holding - RuneQuest 6

I like RuneQuest 6, but I find the character generation to be a tad tedious. Others will find it extremely thorough and just their cup of tea.

At $6.95 for the core book and the Book of Quests (basically a campaign's worth of adventure right there) it's probably hard to go wrong.


  1. I can't decide if Bundle of Holding is teaching me to stop buying PDFs until they show up here or not. Goo deal for this....wish I didn't have it all already.

  2. Ditto, Nicholas.

    As for RQ6 - I think it is a masterpiece, but too many of the systems, including CharGen, are too... involved for my players. So I buy it, but it only finds use refracted through OQ or Magic World... and in my dreams ;-)


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